
"Shit-!" I fumbled over the faucet, twisting it off with a jerk before I scattered for the door, Izaya's laughter nipping at my heels as I shoved my glasses askew on my face. I stopped at the entryway to make sure the flea was following close behind before we dashed our way through the apartment complex.

"You're certainly out of it today!" Izaya grinned, sharp at the edges as he ran at my side.

"Shut it flea!"

We turned the corner, Izaya taking cheap shortcuts as he fazed through objects until we made our way to the street.

"Forty minutes is pretty impressive though!" Izaya snickered.

He laughed louder when I gave him a garbled mess of a sound in retort, focused on pulling out my phone to read the polite messages from Tom asking where I was. Struggling, I managed to type out a quick apology while we weaved through the morning crowd, only smashing one of the keypads as I did.

We slowed to a stop when Tom came into view at the corner of Russia Sushi, one of our regular meeting spots.

"Hey! Sorry I'm so late, time got away from me." I slowed to a halt, breathing in small pants as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"It's alright, are you ready to go, or do you need a minute?" Tom smiled and checked his phone, reading over the schedule.

I glanced over towards Izaya, who was blissfully watching the awakening bustle, his chest didn't heave with any sort of exhaustion- Didn't even move in breaths.


"No- Yeah, I'm good. Where do we have to go first?"

"Some apartment complex near the train station..."

Tom led the way with directions from his phone, and I followed suit. Along with the tag along of a nimble flea skipping, turning, and looking around the crowds of people.

My mouth twitched upward when I caught Izaya hopping in his step to curve around somebody. He was always so immersed in the crowd when we were in the city. And even though I could never fully understand Izaya's fascination with humans, I could sympathize that it must be nice to see the city life up close rather than through that window.

I took a deep breath and rolled my shoulders back. Today will be fine, I just needed to get back into the groove of things and I'll be back on pace. Celty's question was just that- A question.

It does mean anything...

I think.

I swallowed, ignoring the shift I felt in my chest when Izaya's jacket fluttered in the corner of my eye.


So far, today has been one of the more peaceful days of work, which frankly, I'm thankful for. But what I'm not thankful for is that since it's been so easy- It's given me plenty of time to think about things I'd rather not be thinking about.

It's also given me plenty of time to act like an idiot- And both Tom and Izaya had definitely noticed. I keep getting lost in thought, trying to rationalize every time I catch myself looking at Izaya- Fuck, I know Celty meant it as a simple question, but it's really messing me up!

"Order number five!" The fast-food employee called out from behind the desk, giving me a forced customer service smile as she handed me the tray of food.

I opened my mouth to thank her, but she was already shuffling away, avoiding my eyes. She clearly recognized the description of 'Ikebukuro's monster' as she tried to hide behind the cash register. Sighing, I left without a word and made my way towards the table Tom had chosen.

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