Chapter 17: A stormy night

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Weeks have passed since their evening together. Diana grows closer to Taker both outside of work and at work, they call each other, they date, he sent her flowers and they quickly look at each other. Diana starts to fall in love with him, when he walks past her, she can't help but smile and blush when he winks at her but still needs time to get over Jason, she knows that he is not far from her.

When she's alone, at home or in a hotel, she gets scared easily with every knock on the door or every time she has to pick up the phone. She is afraid that Jason will come back at any moment, every time she gets home she feels someone watching her, she is afraid, so afraid that she checks three times if she has closed the doors and the French windows .

But when she's with Taker, all her fears disappear, she's gone out several nights with him and each time, she has a good time. She could see another man in him outside of work, she could see a man with an amazing sense of humor, just the opposite she knew him at work.

One evening, she was invited by Taker to see a Dallas football game. She wanted to make up in team colors before going there and Taker got involved in her delirium. "Come on, do your makeup, it's going to be fun!" she insisted for a few minutes when Taker refused but managed to get his agreement if it was only a little makeup. He very quickly regretted when he saw himself in the mirror, his face half dark blue and half white, but decided not to tell her anything, to let nothing appear, wanting to please her.

She realized why Taker was telling her no to makeup when she saw the cameras coming towards them. She didn't know that Taker was going to be on TV but that didn't seem to stop her from being in character. that evening was once again a very nice evening spent together.


A big storm hit Houston, all residents of Houston were warned not to leave their homes because the storm was too dangerous. The lights flicker, the trees are tilted a little because of the wind, the rain keeps falling.

Diana watches TV, trying not to think about the storm, since she was little she is afraid of storms and even more than now since she is alone. She looked at the clock which indicates 11:20 p.m., she decided to turn off the lights and the TV to go to bed.


In the middle of the night, she suddenly wakes up because of a very loud lightning strike. She tried to turn on the lights in her house but realized the storm had blown the fuses. She has heavy breathing, cold sweats starts having a panic attack but tries to keep calm.

Suddenly, she hears a knock on the front door, she puts on her bathrobe and slowly descends the stairs. She steps back from her front door seeing that the person behind continues to knock on the door, she tries to look out the window, pulling the curtain a little to see who it is.

Suddenly the man looks out the window where she was and she sees with horror, it's Jason with a big smile. "Come on, let me in sweetie!" he cried looking at her through the window as she cried trying to call for help but all the phones in her house were off. Jason walked around the house to see where he could get in. "Come on honey, I just want a roof to sleep in, you're not going to let me sleep outside in this storm are you?" He said trying to convince her, amused that she was scared.

She is half reassured as soon as she realizes that she hasn't forgotten to close the doors and windows, but she knows that Jason can break a window to get in.

She sees her cell phone on the dining room table and instead of calling 911, she calls Taker. She tried several times but he didn't answer. She sees Jason's shadow walking around the house, who orders her to let him in. She calls 911. "911, what's your emergency?" The operator said through the phone, Diana trying to calm herself down, hiding under a table, plugging her other ear as she heard Jason banging on the door again. " abusive ex-fiancé is around the corner from my house and wants to come home...I'm scared..." she cried, hoping they don't make it into the house because God knows how dangerous he could be.

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