Chapter 21: The news goes fast

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Today is WrestleMania 15, the most popular event in the wrestling world. All wrestlers would love to wrestle at this event. Diana arrived at the arena, she feels the mood in the locker room. She arrived at the treatment room where Larry is, she hugged him and put her bag down. At the start of the show, she goes to the cafeteria and drinks red fruit tea while watching television. She hasn't seen Taker yet, wondering if he remembers the moment they shared last night. She still thinks about what happened, it was like a dream, and all the fans would dream about it if they were her. Taker once told her that a fan had already given him her number, it was hilarious! Diana hopes this perfect dream never turns into a nightmare because she truly loves Taker.


During the show Diana was talking with colleagues, she is in the treatment room watching the games when suddenly the door opened and Larry rushes to the door to save whoever entered through the door and c It was Paul White who was cut open in the forehead. . Diana rushes over to help Larry with Paul and sits him down on the table. "What did you do ?" Asked Larry, annoyed that the show hasn't started yet and there's already an injury. "I was assaulted in my shower..." Paul said grimacing when Larry touched his forehead to see if the wound wasn't deep before he applied a compress to Paul's wound. Diana prepares the sutures and the bandage to sew up Paul. "By whom? Who did this to you?" He asked, taking the thread from Diana's hands to sew it up.

Paul White was about to answer when the door opened again and saw Taker holding his left hand, grimacing as Diana rushed over to Taker in concern. Diana made him sit in a chair in front of Paul, Taker is still in wrestling gear, he hasn't fought tonight and already has a hand injury. Diana puts on a pair of gloves and checks Taker's hand while Taker discreetly looks at Paul with a dangerous expression. "Taker, what happened?" She asked worriedly as Larry looked at Taker curiously making the connection. "He was disrespecting me, eh, Paul? I beat him so hard I might have broken my hand because of that kid..." Taker said in a dangerous voice between breaths, breathless, without take her eyes off Paul as Diana checks his hand. He has a big bruise that looks like a hematoma, she bends Taker's fingers to see if it wasn't broken but luckily it wasn't.

Paul looks at him, seeing his intimidating green eyes that are enough to warn him that if he tells the truth, there will be worse. Taker beat Paul White as punishment for hanging out with Diana at yesterday's party, now that he has Diana's heart in his hands he took Paul's behavior as provocation and disrespect, so he beat. "Yes sir.." Paul said, looking down, Larry shook his head in disgust, still tending to Paul's injury. "I don't care what you fought for, are you done fighting backstage? ok disrespect but you could punish him some other way, Taker or ask the boss to put you in the ring with Paul!" he said, bandaging Paul's head while Diana was also bandaging Taker's hand so he wouldn't forget to be careful with his hand.

"Your hand is not broken but watch your hand during your match." she says to Taker who doesn't even listen. "I don't care what you think Larry. if I want to punch because newbies who don't understand respect, I punch.." Taker said before standing up when Diana finished wrapping his hand, he stood up. headed for the door about to leave. Diana put away the bandages and the ointment, trying to hide her sadness that Taker completely ignored her but a hand grabbed her wrist and saw Taker take her hand, hugging her and kissing her forehead, his gaze dark walks over to Paul again who is sitting behind Diana before leaving the treatment room.


After his match, Taker goes to his locker room to change after Larry bandages his forehead, he removes the black bands from his wrists, being careful not to remove the bandage from his left wrist as Paul, his manager , arrives at his locker room, and closes the door behind him. "Can I speak to you?" Asked the obese man who looked curiously at Taker who nodded, tired of his match with Boss man. "yes" he said throwing black bands in the trash before sitting down to take off his boots. "What game are you playing ?" Paul asked crossing his arms in front of his chest, Taker looks at Paul curiously, wondering what he's talking about.

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