Chapter 14: Closer

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Diana is waiting for Taker to open, she looked around, the mansion is very beautiful, the facade is gray with black columns, and her mansion is surrounded by forest, it looks peaceful.

Taker checks his hair if it's groomed in the mirror by the front door before opening the door for Diana. Taker lets her in, he's handsome with his purple shirt, he takes her hand and kisses her delicately. "Good evening lady with pretty eyes, thank you for accepting my invitation, can I take off your coat?" he asked being a good gentleman. She smiled before nodding loving Taker's small gesture. "Of course, Taker." She said before letting Taker take off his coat; she's gorgeous, Taker thought.

He takes her to the living room, Diana is impressed with the decor in the living room, she sits down on the couch as Taker arrives with two glasses and begins to open the bottle of wine Diana brought.

"It's stunning, I didn't think the bad Undertaker had a taste for decoration." She said smiling looking at Taker who also smiled as he poured the wine into the glasses. "You haven't seen anything from me yet." He said giving her a wink, Diana continues to smile thanking Taker who handed her the glass. "So I saw that Taker knew how to dance with women, Taker is very gentleman when he wants, arrogant, provocative. I didn't think he was a great decorator too." She said looking at Taker who put the bottle down after pouring his own drink. "That's why I told you you haven't seen anything from me yet." He said before looking at her, frowning a little when he felt something looking at her beautiful purple eyes.

Taker is still thinking about what he could cook, he's ashamed to think about his dick instead of cooking for tonight. Strangely, he enjoys being around Diana, instead of doing what he's used to doing with women, he wants to get to know her. She intrigues him.


The longer the evening goes by the more they enjoy each other's company, Taker was honest with Diana saying he forgot to cook but Diana doesn't blame him, it's boring to cook so they decided to order a pizza, Diana laughed a lot when the delivery man arrived, Taker opened the door and used his Undertaker's voice and intimidated the delivery man who left as fast as he came.

"What a fag!" He said a little drunk and laughed as he walked over to Diana and put the pizza on the table. While eating, Taker strikes up a conversation with her. "So how was your birthday party?" He asks drinking his glass of wine as she takes a piece of his pizza in her mouth.

"It was so much fun, I had never thrown a party for me by my job." She said smiling remembering her evening but a little sad that Taker didn't come.

"WWF is like a second family to some people, so every time there's a birthday, they want to celebrate." He added, eating his pizza.

"That's very nice though. You've had birthday parties by them too, I guess?" She said watching him drink his glass in one go before answering him.

"Yeah but luckily this year it falls on my day off." He said laughing, very happy that his birthday is going to be calm. She frowned as she drank her drink before answering him.

"Really why ?"

"Every time it goes wrong. Last year, it ended very badly." He confessed, looking at his drink, smiling. "What happened ?" She asked before eating another slice while Taker still looks at his glass and swirls his glass a bit before drinking it. "I'd rather not talk about it, I'm sorry." He said calmly. Diana smiles at him, understanding that he doesn't want to talk about a birthday party gone horribly wrong. They continue to eat. Taker is always overwhelmed by the beauty she shows, her beautiful eyes, her smiles, her laughter, her beauty. Diana finds Taker attractive in these clothes, the purple suits him so well and he looks different outside of work.


As soon as they're done eating, Taker goes upstairs to get something while Diana stays in the living room wondering where he's going. He comes back with a black guitar and sits next to Diana. "I thought you had a great voice when you sang in the car on our last outing. I want to hear you sing again, how about that?" He said smiling retuning his guitar, she smiled. "Okay, what do you want me to sing?" She asked before drinking her glass of wine. "I play guitar and you sing a paragraph whatever comes to your mind." He said shrugging his shoulders before starting to strum the guitar, it's a sweet melody, Diana is thinking of the lyrics.

Green like the light when I'm speeding to you every night

Green like your eyes when the sun is hitting them just right

I love it

Yeah, I fucking love it

She sang but instead of Taker stopping playing, he continued the melody while singing in turn.

Green like my money

I just want to spend it all on you

Green like your dress on the floor

That's my favorite view

I love it

I swear I fucking love it

Sing Taker, Diana smiled as she swayed gently to the melody, having a great time with him. Then thought of other words.

You got a taste so sweet so fine

Don't need a taste of the other side

Yeah I feel so wounded on my side of the fence

She sang before Taker stopped the guitar looking at her in awe of her singing talent. He frowned realizing what just happened. Did he just sing with her?

"However, you won't tell anyone, will you?" He asked hoping that what just happened would be between them, not wanting everyone else to know. Diana laughs as she finishes her drink knowing that Taker is very protective of his job. "That will be our secret." She said winking at him, Taker drinks his glass and has an idea.

"Do you want to ride a horse?" he suggested. Diana is surprised that he has horses, it's not common to have horses at home. "Do you really own horses?" She asked wanting to be sure he was serious but he looked very serious. "Yeah, come with me." He said holding out his hand before she took his hand and stood up.


Taker gives Diana's coat as he takes her coat, opens the front door and lets Diana out first. he takes Diana to where the horses are, Diana is impressed, he has 2 horses, one black and one gray, and they have a big field to run surrounded by a big wooden fence. "Which one do you prefer ?" he asked. It's hard to choose, two of them are so beautiful, the black with white hair is so gorgeous and the gray with black hair is so gorgeous too. "Let's take the gray one." She says before Taker goes to get the halter and the tether so he can take the gray horse, helping Diana climb onto the horse's back before climbing in turn behind her.

They had fun, and Taker makes the horse run faster, Taker liked having Diana in front of him during the ride, Diana holds the rein while Taker has his hands on Diana's hands to hold on too, and he takes the opportunity to rest his chin on his shoulder to comfortably reach the rein. His arms around her, her back against his chest, his presence makes her feel safe with him. He brought the horse up on his hind hooves, Diana screamed in surprise, he didn't warn her, she tapped him on the forearm for it while he laughed. "Don't worry, I'm here to hold you back." He reassured, tightening his grip on her to reassure her.


As soon as their ride is over, Taker puts the horse back in the paddock, and enters his house with Diana, they take off their coats and go on the sofa.

He frowns when he notices Diana is cold. Instead of going to get a blanket or a jacket, he decided to go and light the fireplace, stood behind her, and hugged her in his muscular arms. the radio on, the fireplace, sleeping with a man who treats her like a princess, everything is perfect in Diana's head.

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