Chapter 23: A concussion

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As soon as they arrive in the arena, they kiss one last time before going about their business. Diana hopes that Taker will be fine despite his headaches, she is very worried about his health. He has slept all afternoon because of his headaches, he refuses to take medicine for pain, reassuring her that he will be fine.


During the show, Taker is dressed in his wrestling gear, he puts his boots on and when he went to get up to leave his locker room, he put his hand on the wall when he feels dizzy again but more than this morning, his headaches start to be hard to him stand the pain but doesn't show it to anyone, especially Vince. it's Taker's turn to appear on the screen, he must threaten Vince to hurt a Diva and this Diva will be Sable. His music resounds in the arena, the fans chant him and he goes to the ring alongside his manager Paul, His ministry surrounds Sable so that she does not escape from the ring. He enters the ring, he blinks several eyes when his vision begins to blur, he walks towards Sable who is the first to see that Taker is not in his normal condition. His dizziness comes back stronger and starts to lose strength. "no..child, don't be...don't..."


Diana goes to the bathroom when she sees Larry running with a gurney, motioning for her to come with him, she follows him, wondering what accident in the ring happened. When she walks down the ramp to the ring, she sees Paul and the Ministry, Sable, Jim Ross, Jerry the King and Vince in the ring. They are around someone who is lying in the ring, she realizes it was Taker when she gets in the ring. He is lying on his back, unconscious. "Back off!" Larry yelling at everyone around Taker while Diana tries to stay calm, showing no emotion even though it's hard to see it that way. She warned him to rest tonight, but he didn't listen to her.

Larry and a few wrestlers in the ring put Taker on the stretcher while Diana ties the straps around Taker's unconscious body.

Larry spots a cameraman still filming, he gets angry and forces the camera to turn off, warning him that it wasn't part of the show.

As soon as they get backstage, Diana breaks down thinking that it's all his fault, she should have forced him not to wrestle, Paul comforts her by telling her that it's not her fault, that Taker is stubborn and doesn't listen to anyone. "He has a bump on his head because yesterday Jason came back Paul... He tried to save me but Jason broke a big lamp on his head... Taker... he..." Diana cried in the Paul's arm rubbing her back, comforting her. "Everything will be fine Diana, don't worry." He said trying to calm her down, waiting for the ambulance with her.


After waiting a few hours, at the hospital, a doctor came to see Diana, who had documents in her hands, probably Taker's tests. "Are you here for Mr. Calaway?" Asked the doctor walking towards her, Diana gets up and looks at the doctor, her eyes full of tears and stress. "Yes I am." She said rubbing her arms in stress hoping he's okay. "He has a concussion from a blow to the head, but he will survive. He should rest for a few days." He says looking at the young woman who thanks the doctor and goes to Taker's room, she opens the door and sees him, his eyes closed. She takes his hand and places it on her heart, her tears continuing to flow down her cheeks. "It's all my fault...I'm sorry Taker..." She said before standing up and leaning down to gently kiss Taker's forehead before sitting back down and resting her head on his forearm.


Taker opens his eyes, a little blurry, he blinks slowly to improve his vision. He doesn't know where he is or why he is there, he looks around, and realizes that he is lying on a hospital bed with... three people around him... a woman with glasses , in white, documents in her hands, looks like she is the doctor, a fat man, a funny mustache wearing a suit and a woman with incredible eyes who looks like she has cried. "Hello Mr. Calaway, you have been in the hospital since last night, you have a concussion, we are glad you are okay and out of danger. How are you?" The doc asks but Taker doesn't even answer him but he looks at Paul, wondering who he is, he looks him up and down.

"Who are you?" Taker asked the big man, everyone is surprised, Paul frowns, looks at the doctor with incomprehension, and turns his attention to Taker who is still looking at him. "Mark, it's me, Paul. My real name is William Moody. Is this normal, doctor?" He said looking at the doctor who was looking at his patient's documents. "He may have amnesia from the concussion, Mr. Calaway, what's your name?" Asked the doctor looking at her patient who is looking at her as if she has gone crazy. "How would I know?" Taker asked nastily before the doc raised his eyebrows at his comment then turned his attention back to Paul. "It's certain that he has amnesia, we need to help him regain his memories, ask him simple questions, and remember memories with him." Said the doctor, Diana looks at her sadly hoping that he doesn't have amnesia for the rest of his life, she looks at Taker taking his hand.

"You don't remember what happened to you?" She asked sadly, Taker looks to his right and sees the beautiful blonde woman with beautiful purple eyes. She's the most beautiful woman he's ever seen in his life. "Not at all, but I guess I fell flat on my face when I saw your beauty." He said flitting, smiling at her, Diana blushed at his words, even if he doesn't remember anything, he still manages to say cute words to her.

"Mr. Calaway, when were you born?" Asked the doctor looking at his documents, Taker thinks then looks at the doctor. "February 22?" Said Taker shrugging his shoulders having said the first date that came to mind. "No, it's my birthday." Diana told him, amused that he always knew her birthday instead of her birthday. "You were born on March 24." Said the doc, looking at his patient who doesn't seem to care at all. "Do you know your job?" Paul asked looking at his friend, trying to help him, Taker thinks then looks at himself. "From what I see, I'm in good shape, tall and muscular, I guess a bodyguard?" Said Taker looking at everyone who shook their heads slowly. "You're a fighter." Said Diana smiling weakly, Taker looks at her, confused, a wrestler? A guy fighting in his underwear? what the hell... he thought...

"Okay...So you're Paul?" He asks Paul, looking at him as the doc leaves the room knowing her patient is in good hands.

"Yeah, William moody is my real name, Paul is my working name and I'm your manager and colleague. I work with you because this lady also works with us but as a medical assistant." Paul explained to Taker who is trying to understand what he is saying. Diana places her hand on Taker's right hand. "And we've been together for a short time..." she says shyly. Taker looks at her, surprised to have a woman as beautiful as her by his side. He turns his attention to Paul.

"If your real name is William Moody, who am I? and what is my ring name if I'm a wrestler?" Taker asked with a frown while Paul smiled weakly, a little amused that his very tough friend was a little lost. "You are Mark Calaway and your ring name is The Undertaker." he said.


At the end of the day, Paul leaves the hospital, leaving Diana alone with Taker, he takes her hand in his, looking at her lovingly. "I want to know everything about our relationship." He said smiling, Diana smiled and sat on the edge of the bed, next to him, still with her hands in Taker's. "it started a few months ago, we met at work, it was my first date and from the start you were nice to me, you protected me from my ex-fiancé,Jason , who was abusive to me. As soon as I left my ex, we started getting close, we dated outside of work, and for a few days, at a work party, you you kissed." Diana told him she was smiling at the thought of their first kiss while he was still looking at her, but her eyes turned murderous upon hearing Jason's name, which he is.

He begins to remember Jason, their first meeting, his taunts, his insults, the fights he had with Jason's hand breaking the lamp above Taker's head.

Taker shook his head before taking her head in his hands and kissing her lips softly before resting his forehead on hers. "I know, I've told you several times but I'm going to protect you from him even if it kills me..." He said before lying down with her in the bed wanting to stay like that with her.

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