Chapter 8: An angel date the devil

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After the show, Diana went back to her hotel room, she sat on her bed, still thinking about what Taker said to her but she's afraid of Jason, afraid he'll get mad because she's doing something he doesn't want her to do. She refused to go out because she doesn't want Jason to come here by surprise and see that she is dating co-workers on a friendly basis. Diana looked at the flowers Taker gave her earlier, Taker is a mysterious person, she doesn't know if she should at least go out with him because she would be safe in his presence. She doesn't know if he wanted to show everyone that he can go out with her too or for a simple date friendly. She never dated anyone other than Jason.


Taker gets out of his shower, wraps a towel around his waist, dries his black hair and begins to get dressed. He puts on black briefs, dress pants and a leather belt, then leaves the bathroom and takes the different shirts, and tries them on one by one. The White? no, too bright. Grey? no I do not like it. Black? Perfect. He puts a black bandana on his forehead and starts putting on his jewelry.

Paul is sitting on Taker's bed, he's very confident, Paul thought. She didn't give him her answer to go out with him but he's getting ready anyway. "Do you think she's going to come knocking on your door to accept your invitation?" Asked Paul seeing that Taker is confident, doesn't even consider that she wouldn't come. Taker looks at himself in the mirror with a small smile, he looks at Paul through the mirror as he puts on his silver watch. "Paul, you must have known me all this time, you know when I'm sure, I'm never wrong." Said Taker adjusting his shirt collar. "Why are you doing all this?" Paul asked crossing his arms looking at the giant.

Taker checks if everything is clean and puts on his socks and shoes. Taker doesn't know why he's doing all this for a mere helper, but one thing he's sure of is that he wants her out of his fiancé's grip. "Don't break her heart, she's pure, not like you." Said Paul as Taker smiled at Paul's comment, he knows he's not pure unlike Diana but his intention is not to hurt her, his goal for the evening is to show how a real man must behave towards a woman.

Suddenly, someone knocks on Taker's door, Paul goes to open it while Taker takes his jacket and puts it on. Paul opened the door and saw Diana, in a beautiful red dress with her small white handbag, she was wearing red pumps. Her understated makeup brings out her purple eyes and hides her black eye as well as possible. She is magnificent. Paul thought. Taker leans back, seeing Diana, his jaw dropping to her feet, he was convinced she would accept his invitation but never thought she would look as gorgeous as she already was. Taker's dark heart begins to be overwhelmed by her beauty, he takes one last look at himself in the mirror and refocuses, not showing that she upsets him. "You... you are beautiful Diana." Said Paul looking her up and down as she smiled at him for the compliment.

"Thanks Paul, is Taker there?" She asked hoping she wasn't too late. "Yes I am." Said Taker approaching the door, Diana was surprised that he was dressed like he was going on a date. I arrived too late, thought Diana. "Oh, you're already booked for tonight, sorry, I..." she said seeing that he was already ready to go, thinking he had something else planned. "No, I was expecting you, I knew you were coming... let's go?" Said Taker holding out his arm and she smiled at him and accepted his arm before leaving. "She doesn't deserve to be on the devil's arm.." Paul said holding Taker's other arm. He smiled at his old friend and patted him on the shoulder before leaving for the hotel parking lot...


Taker opened the passenger seat door for her, she thanked him and he closed it before heading for the driver's seat. What a gentleman he is. thought Diana. Taker starts the car and drives out of the parking lot, for the first time, Taker is bothered, he is bothered by Diana's beauty tonight. Paul is right, he doesn't deserve to have a wife like her tonight but he's secretly glad she's with him. Suddenly, the song of the group Europe plays on the radio "the final countdown", she smiles and puts on a little sound.

"Ah! my favorite music!" She said smiling and starting to sing. Taker was surprised that she liked this kind of music, he didn't take his eyes off the road. "Do you like this kind of music??" He asked surprised that a woman like her likes this kind of music. "Yes, are you surprised?" She asked laughing looking at Taker who was still smiling looking down the road. "Well, yeah, I didn't think a girl like you liked that kind of music." He said honestly. Diana smiles at his comment and begins to sing along to the music. And besides, she sings like an angel, she shouldn't date a demon like me. thought Taker.

Unconsciously, Taker slowly moves his head in time with the song, keeping his attention on the road. He also begins to sing softly with her in time to the music.

This is the first time she's been dating anyone other than Jason. With Jason, when they were dating, there was no crazy period, he hated the music. The evening hasn't started yet with Taker, she already feels good in his presence.

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