28. Wall (Season 1 last Chapter)

Start from the beginning

Nile let out a surprised sound, lowering his rifle slightly.

"The Female Titan must not escape. Paehl's in charge of formations. Vyler oversees supplies. Work with them closely and push her to the eastern Wall at all costs-" Erwin said.

"H-Hold..." Nile said and threw out his hand. "Hold on!"

"Do...do you really... believe this is for the good of us all?" Nile asked.

"I have faith it's a step forward." Erwin replied confidently.

A bead of sweat rolled down the side of Nile's face. Finally, he closed his eyes and brought his rifle down.

"Everyone, lower your rifles. Place this man under arrest."


"Deploy all troops immediately. As of now focus on rescuing and evacuating civilians." Nile ordered.

"Yes, sir!"

The soldiers quickly ran down the street.

"Erwin, I hereby wash my hands of you and leave you to the high court." Nile said.

Two MP soldiers finished handcuffing Erwin.

"I'll accept their judgment. Thank you, Nile. Levi," Erwin said and turned to Levi as he began to follow the other soldiers. "for now, stay here. You dislike unnecessary deaths, don't you?"

"Yeah. I hate it. It's truly loathsome, no matter who dies." Levi replied.

Armin, Faye and three other Scouts flew toward the two Titans, landing on buildings near them.

'If there's anyone who can bring about change," Armin's expression was severe. 'it's someone capable of giving up what matters most.' He was observing the fight. 'To rise above monsters... we have to abandon our humanity. That's certainly something Annie can do.'

The attacking Titan and the Female Titan prepared to square off once more.

He moved first and she crystallized her right shin.

The impact of her kick connecting with his leg torn it off his body and sent shockwaves through the streets.

The attacking Titan still charged at her on one leg, connecting his fist with her face and sending her skidding back, before falling to the ground.

"Annie..." Annie's father said, kneeling before her.

Her father's voice rang through her head. The Female Titan's eyes turned cold.

The attacking Titan, crouching on the ground, pushed off but was met with a powerful right kick.

Hange and the others braced themselves against the resulting force. The attacking Titan had caught her leg between his jaw, several teeth missing.

Crystallizing her right fist, the Female Titan brought it down on his head several times.

"Annie..." The memory flashed again.

Blood flew up as she continued to hammer his face.

"I believe in you." Her father said, embracing her as she looked on with surprise. "I'm always on your side."

Screaming, she slammed her fist against the attacking Titan's bloodied and messed up face.

He sat motionless, his lifeless face steaming. With one last look to confirm he would not give chase, the Female Titan ran.

The attacking Titan sat still.

Eren's face was covered by the muscle as he was inside the attacking Titan's nape.

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