"Now, let's see, if this was all worth it. Yes. Yes, it was. This child will do quite nicely. So, take good care of it for me. Don't forget to eat well. I will be back for your happy day. And what's yours will be mine." Chuckling, she released them.


Snow White, Prince Charming, The Evil Queen, Belle and Robin Hood discussed how to act on the Wicked Witch's threat. Granny was also present, knitting a blanket. Grumpy entered.

"Grumpy, tell me, you found something," Prince Charming said.

"I've been to Blue, Tink, all the fairies. They've been scouring the forest for enchanted items to destroy her, but they got zilch. They say, she's just too powerful.

"It's happening again," Snow White stated. "I'm about to give birth and an evil sorceress is threatening the future of my child."

"To be fair, the first time, I was threatening you," the Evil Queen corrected. "Everyone else just became collateral damage."

"Remind me again why we forgave her?" Grumpy asked.

"Because I'm helping." Robin Hood chuckled. "Frustrating as it is for me to remember, Snow, you had a head start to defeat me last time. How?"

"We were warned," Prince Charming answered.

"By Rumpelstiltskin," Snow White added.

"Maybe he can warn you again," the Evil Queen offered.

"Wait," Grumpy said. "You wanna sneak into Rumple's castle, where he's held captive by the Wicked Witch? Name is Grumpy, not Stupid."

"You're right. It is stupid, but for our child-" Snow White trailed.

"We'll do whatever it takes," Prince Charming finished.

"Heartwarming," the Evil Queen muttered. "He's trapped in his own castle." She turned to Belle. "Belle, you were prisoner there?"

"Yes, but breaking in? I would have no idea how," Belle replied.

"Luckily, I do," Robin Hood said. "I broke in there once before."

The Evil Queen scoffed. "Why are we even listening to him? He's a thief, which means he's not to be trusted. What are you even still doing here?"

Robin Hood said to The Evil Queen, "What I'm doing here, is saving your ass. The castle has traps and deadly ones."

"Not more deadly than my magic."

"They are, if you don't see them coming."

"Maybe I'm okay with taking my chances."

Snow White interrupted and replied, "All right. You may be, but we're not. He's coming."


Kissing, Regina and Robin Hood stood in the hallway. After a moment, Regina freed herself from Robin's embrace.

"What do you see in me?" Regina asked.

"Hopefully, the same thing you see in me," Robin Hood replied. "A second chance. And you're quite a good kisser." He chuckled.

Regina chuckled. "Just wait, 'til I actually have my heart back.

"What is that like? I mean, can you..."

"Feel?" He nodded. "Yes, I can. Just not," she paused as she groped for the right word, "fully. It's difficult to explain."

"Then don't." He took her hand, placing it over his heart. "Use mine for the both of us." Regina leaned in and kisses him again. A door opened and Henry walked past them. Henry cleared his throats. Turning around, Regina faced him.

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