"Yeah!!" Meredith says.

"You've been a good girl all year so I bet you'll get lots of cool gifts!" Dr Robbins says smiling at the child. "Okay sweetie, let's get you into this wheelchair so you can go home!"

Dr Robbins along with Christopher help Meredith into the chair. Meredith cried as they moved her.

"Owwww. It hurts!!!" Meredith sobbed. "I don't like this brace!"

"I know sweetie, I know. But it's very important you keep it on." Christopher said, running his hands through her hair, trying to comfort her.

"I want mommy!!!" Meredith cried.

"I know, baby. She's home with the other kids. You'll see her as soon as we get home I promise."

Meredith has her puppy rub its paws over her cheeks in an effort to comfort herself.

"Okay let's get you home Mer. Say thank you to Dr Robbins."

"Thank you." She whispered.

"You're so welcome. I'll see you soon Mer. Merry Christmas." Dr Robbins says kneeling down in front of Meredith. "I have a little gift for you sweetie."

"For me?" Meredith's eyes widen.

"For you!" Dr Robbins gives Meredith a gift bag.

Meredith immediately opens it up and squeals with happiness when she sees a pink unicorn stuffed animal. "I love it! Thank you!!!" She hugs the unicorn to her chest.

"You're very welcome!" She says smiling.

Arizona then says goodbye and leaves them.

Christopher grabs Meredith's bag and wheels the little girl out to the car. "Let's go sweetie."

"Daddy, my brace hurts. Can I please take it off at home?" Meredith asks softly.

"I'm sorry sweetie not until bathtime." He picks her up and places her in the car and buckles her in. "I can give you some more pain meds at home if you need it."



"Mommy, when will Mer be home?" Amelia asks, putting the final touches on her sign.

"Your dad texted that they just left the hospital so they'll be here in ten minutes or so. Are you almost done with your sign?"

"Yeah! I'm just finishing coloring in these little parts mommy! Do you think she'll like all of our welcome home signs?" Amelia asks her mom.

"She'll love them! And she'll love the donuts you picked out at the store also."

"I had to get the ones with the pink sprinkles! They're her favorites!" Amelia giggled.

"That was a good choice sweetie."

"Mommy?" Amelia says softly.

"Yeah sweetie?"

"Is Mer going to feel better now that she had surgery?" She softly asked.

Carolyn sighs. She starts to talk but is interrupted by Mark and Derek.

"They're here! They're here!" The boys were watching by the window, waiting for them to arrive home. "Amy! Get your sign!" The boys run to get their sign.

Mark and Derek made a sign that says we missed our cheerleader.

"Get the donuts mommy!" Amelia squeals.

Carolyn laughs. "Those can wait sweetie. Let's get Mer situated first.

The door opens and Christopher carries Meredith into the house.

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