Chapter 23

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(Dreams pov)

It has now been a month and today was the day me and George take the crown.

The maids were helping me get ready. My hair was brushed and it was very long. A long cape thrown over my shoulders.

"Are you ready your majesty?"

"Yeah" I say

"Than you can walk down the red carpet for your crown your majesty"

I smile.

"Thank you" I say. I swim out of the room.

I swim up to the throne room door. The siren guards open the grand door to the throne room. I look around to see so many siren guards as well as so many sirens.

I look ahead of me to see George sitting on his throne staring at me. I close my eyes then open them again. I slowly swim down the red carpet up to George.

All the sirens look at me full of love. I swim a bit quicker. I made it to the throne and George stands up and swims next to me.

I siren swims out in front of is too but moves over to George.

"Dear sirens our king is ready to take the throne with his Prince"

Everyone cheers.

"George repeat after me"

George stands tall.

"I promise to look after the sirens the best I can, I promise to be who I am to the best of my ability"

"I promise to look after the sirens the best I can, I promise to be who I am to the best of my ability" George says. A siren come out with a golden crown with a blue gem in the middle.

George bows his head as the siren picks up the crown and puts it on George's head. George walks over to his throne and sits down.

The siren moves in front of me.

"Repeat after me"

I nod.

"I promise to be the best husband siren I can, to be who I want to be and love my husband. I promise to be loyal and to listen to what my husband wants"

"I promise to be the best husband siren I can, to be who I want to be and love my husband. I promise to be loyal and to listen to what my husband wants" I say. A siren walks out with a golden crown with a green gem in the middle.

I bow my head and the siren puts the crown on my head.

"You are officially married"

A siren walks out with 2 rings, he gives one to me and the other to George. We both put our rings on. I walk over to my throne and sit down.

All the sirens clap and cheer.


Me and George were in our bedroom.

"You know I never would have ever thought about marrying you if you didn't make that sound soft" I say

"A Soft Sound" George says

"Is that what you call it?" I say

"Yeah" George says "I love you"

"I love you too" I say

Thank you for reading this book/story hope you enjoyed and I will see you in the next one bye bye

A Soft Sound DNFWhere stories live. Discover now