Chapter 16

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(Georges pov)

Me and Dream were both sitting on the sand hugging each other.

I asked if we would hug longer to be far I haven't hugged anyone in years I forgot how good it feels. I pull away and Dream looks at me.

"We will hug more later okay" I say. I turn into my siren form and slide into the water and swim away.

I swim up to the beach but stay hidden. I see a teacher and a old man with a guy with a bandanna and a guy with a yellow  sweeter and beanie as well as a guy in a colorful hoodie that had a swill on it.

"What do you mean the siren took him!" The old man says

"Calm down Phil" The teacher says

"No I will not calm down Mac! Dream was just taken by a fucking siren" Phil yells

"Sapnap" Mac says. The guy with the bandanna looks up.

"Look around the beach see if you can find him" Mac says

"Wilbur, Karl" Mac says. The other two look up.

"Go for a swim in the water" Mac says "Phil you come with me"

Mac and Phil walk away. Sapnap looks at me.

"You!" Sapnap yells. The other two looks at me.

I hiss at him.

"What did you do with Dream!" Sapnap yells. I hiss at him then swim away as fast as I can.

I made it back to the cave and crawl onto the sand.

"Your friends are on there way here, they saw me in the water" I say. Dream looks at me.

"What are we gonna do" Dream says

"I know another place that we can go to" I say. Dream nods and puts on his backpack.

I crawl into the water but stay still. Dream gets on my back and holds on. I swim away quickly. I swim under the water and near a lovely rock and I swim inside. For some reason there is sand and air in here no one knows why they say that this place is where humans died and now the souls of the humans left a sand and air for other humans.

The sand inside was small but big if you wanted you could fit 13 humans laying down in here without laying on each other aka 6 sirens since our tails are all different sizes and lengths. I crawl onto the sand and Dream lays on it.

"Wow" Dream says "It's beautiful in here"

"I know" I say

"I can see all the fishes in the water and the coral" Dream says leaning his head over the water.

"Yeah" I say

"But how is there air and sand in here we are under the water?" Dream asks. I tell him the story and Dream nods.

"I am going to see if your friends made it to the cave" I say

"Try not to get caught" Dream says

"I won't" I say. I slide into the water and swim back to the cave.

I move my eyes out of the water to see Sapnap and his friends all wet and looking around the cave. Sapnap looks at the sand.

"Blood" Sapnap says "Meaning they were here"

"The siren must of moved him when he saw us" Wilbur says

"He moved him because he knew we were following him" Sapnap says

"Come on lets get back and tell the others that he was here" Karl says. The others nod.

I move my head back into the water and swim away.  

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