Chapter 4

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(Dreams pov)

It was the end of the day and Sapnap was in his dorm.

I got my own dorm it was pretty big so thats good. I told Sapnap I was tired and he left me alone to get some sleep.

It was 6:21 pm and I was in my kitchen geting some meat and puting it in my backpack. I pick up my backpack and run down to the beach.

I got to the beach and put my backpack down on the sand and I sit down as well.

I watch as something swims close to me. I watch as the siren sits itself in front of me.

"You came back" George says

"Of course I did" I say "Oh and I brought you something"

I pull the meat out of my bag and take the plastic off it.

"Here you go" I say. I give the meat to George who takes it and eats it all.

I grab out my note book and pencil and draw George eating the meat. I made sure to give the drawing everything a siren has.

Sirens have such sharp teeth it's amazing how sharp they can be, how do they shut there mouths with out making their mouths bleed.

George finishes eating the meat and he looks at me.

"What are you doing?" George asks

"You sirens are so cool!" I say "How do you guy's close you mouth and not hurt yourself from your sharp teeth?"

"Well us sirens are made so they can't hurt our mouths" George says. I quickly write that down.

"So cool!" I say. George giggles.

"Okay okay umm oh I always want to ask a siren this, do you hate other sirens?" I ask

"Most sirens hate others sirens because other sirens steal other sirens food it pisses them off pretty bad" George says "Thats why we claim things"

I write it down in my note book.

"Wow" I say

"You seem to like learning about sirens huh?" George says

"They are my favorite mythical creature!" I say

"Okay okay but let me ask some questions to you" George says

"Go ahead" I say

"Why do you humans run from us when we are some times trying to be nice?" George asks

"Because we were always told to stay away from sirens, that they are horrible, dangerous creatures" I say

"Understandable" George says

"Anything else you want to know?" I ask

"How old are you?" George asks

"19" I say

"Young" George says

"I guess" I say

"Your so perfect" George says

"Perfect?" I ask. George wraps his tail around me.

"Your perfect" George says "Shh sh sh your just fine I am not going to hurt you"

"Okay" I say

"Hm you look tired" George says. George voice calms me and makes me a bit...tired.

"Sleep just sleep" George says. The sounds make me eyes slowly shut.

My note book fall out of my hand and on the sand.

"Sleep" George says. My eyes close and just like that I fell asleep.

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