Chapter 9

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(Dreams pov)

I wake up with my head pounding. I look around to see Phil.

"What happened?...My head hurts..." I say

"Do you like that siren?" Phil asks

"George?..." I ask

"Yeah the blue tail, brown hair and brown eyes" Phil says

"No I don't love him but he's a good friend..." I say

"Friend? He killed you then bought you back to life then bit you in the neck to put you in a spell to make you fall deeply in love with him!" Phil says. I stay silent.

"He's not all that bad I am sure I can forgive him" I say

"Dream look, I care for you but...your friends with a siren who is trying anything to get with you" Phil says "Here follow me"

I get out of my bed and realize that I was in my dorm room. Phil walks into the bathroom, I follow him.

"Look in the mirror" Phil says. I look into the mirror.

A slim, skinny figure stares back at me, my blonde hair was longer then I last saw it it's now down to my shoulders, my eyes are emerald green but one eye is light green, my skin colour is normal.

I look at my neck to see a scar mark of a siren bite on my neck. I touch it with my hand. My hand is covered in bandages. I move my hand away from my neck and look at my hand.

"The siren accidentally bit you hand when you were trying to calm him down, he was almost in tears when he realized he bit you" Phil says. Phil puts my note book in front of me on the sink.

"You can go to class if you want" Phil says "I'll walk you down"

"Yeah but I need something to hide my eye" I say

"Thought you might say that" Phil says. Phil puts a eye patch on my note book.

I nod and Phil puts the eye patch on my eye. I pick up my note book and walk over to my backpack and pick that up too.

Phil walks me down to the collage building. Phil walks me to my class and he opens the door and walks in, I stand still.

"You coming in?" Phil asks. I nod and walk into the room and everyone looks at me shocked even the teacher.

Sapnap stands up and runs over to me and hugs me.

"Phil you fixed him!" Sapnap says "You realised him from that sirens..."

"Love spell" Phil says

"Love spell" Sapnap says "Dude your hair is sooo long!"

"I know" I say

"Hows you hand, it looked like it was a good bite" Sapnap says. Sapnap lets go of me and moves to my side.

I move my hand up and Sapnap grabs it roughly. I scream in pain and Sapnap lets go.

"I am so sorry! I didn't realize that it hurts" Sapnap says. Phil moves next to me and looks at my hand.

Blood starts to drip through the bandages.

"Well done Sapnap you made his hand bleed again" Phil says

"Sorry" Sapnap says

"Dream go sit in your sit and I'll bandage up you hand there so your sitting" Phil says. I nod and walk over to my seat and sit down.

Sapnap sits next to me. Phil and my teacher walk up to me. Phil pulls out some bandages in my backpack, my teacher carefully takes my hand.

Pain shots through my hand and I jump back and try to pull my hand away.

"Dream relax" The teacher says. I was not relaxed at all I try to pull my hand away put my teacher wouldn't let go.

"Dream please relax if we don't bandage it up you could die from blood lost" Phil says. I calm myself down.

Phil unwraps the bandage and blood starts spilling everywhere. Phil wraps my hand in a cloth to try to stop the bleeding.

I couldn't feel my hand. I watch as blood pours on the table. I hate blood it makes me pass out just seeing it.

The blood drips thought the cloth and all over the table. Phil looks at me. I turn pale and stare at the blood.

"Sapnap" Phil says "He's gonna go"

Sapnap grabs me from behind. I close my eyes and pass out.

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