Are you ready for the date?

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"God, what a fucking daddy," Jimin groaned, zooming in on V's face as Taehyung sifted desperately through his closet. "I cannot believe he sent you this photo, Tae, if you sold this to a news outlet or something, you would be so rich."

"I'm not gonna do that," Taehyung said, swallowing at the shrill pitch of his voice. He just couldn't find anything to wear, what the hell was he supposed to wear? He whined at Jimin. "Aren't you supposed to be helping me?"

"You should have mentioned Kim legally-changed-his-name-to-V sent you never-before-seen photos after we picked your outfit," Jimin said, but he was already putting Taehyung's phone aside and traipsing over to the closet. "Baby, the white shirt, with the flowers, obviously."

"He's not gonna show up," Taehyung said, holding the shirt up to his chest and pouting at his reflection. "Why would he? He's so busy. How's he even have time for this?"

"I don't know," Jimin said, "but, he's gonna show. Daddy can't wait to feed you his big, fat—"

"Stop it," Taehyung said, swinging his shirt at Jimin wildly. "Stop, I don't want to hear you call him daddy again!" Taehyung looked back in the mirror. "We have the same face. It's weird. It's weird, right?"

Jimin shuffled over to meet Taehyung's eyes in the mirror. "It's kinda hot. You're both gorgeous. How much do you think a sex tape of you two would sell for?"

Taehyung made a valiant attempt to suffocate Jimin with his shirt, but Jimin won in the end, wrestling it over Taehyung's head with a triumphant grin. "I'm kidding."

"Ha ha. You're shameless."

"I'm not the one fucking my doppelgänger."

Taehyung pushed his legs through the dark jeans Jimin had handed him. "I have plenty of shame about it."

"Well, you shouldn't," Jimin pointed out. "If I were you, I would do it. I'd do it even if he wasn't famous." Jimin looked at himself in the mirror. "I would definitely fuck myself."

"I know you would," Taehyung said darkly, leaning close to the mirror and frowning at a bump forming on his cheek. "I'm breaking out."

Jimin leaned close to look, too. "I don't see anything."

"Right there."

Jimin looked at Taehyung's skin dubiously. "You're just nervous. Tae, you already look so cute, and we haven't even put you in those hot little boots yet."

Taehyung shook his head frantically. "I'm not nervous."

"Oh, yeah?"

"It's just one date," Taehyung said firmly, more to himself then to Jimin. He smoothed his hands over his shirt. "And possible sex. It doesn't mean anything."

Jimin giggled, gently tugging Taehyung after him towards the bathroom. "Just breathe. You're in your own head. You're okay. C'mon, sit."

Taehyung sat down on the closed toilet seat and stared up at Jimin as he set up four different makeup palettes on the counter. He started with something pale and glimmering, taking a brush and holding it up. "Close," Jimin said, and Taehyung closed his eyes, sighing as Jimin went to work.

Jimin's voice was gentle when he spoke next. "It's totally okay that you're nervous." The back of his fingers brushed over Taehyung's cheek. "Is it because you haven't..."

Taehyung squinted one eye open at Jimin. "Well. It's been a while for—all of it."

Jimin hummed, kindly. "I'm proud you're putting yourself out there. Figures, it would take the literal perfect man to do it. Kim V," Jimin sighed, dabbing at Taehyung's mouth with a green lipstick.

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