"How do you two know each other?"

She started to answer,
"Dont you remember? We both met him in-"

You cut her off,
"IN A COLLEGE PARTY! Yeah it was a college party and we became friends! And the rest was history!"

You have Kiyoko a look, and she was able to understand how you felt.

Sugawara hummed in response,
"Huh, small world."

After that, you caught up a little more with Kiyoko before getting your discounted items into the back of your car. You started the drive back home, but that's when you heard a strange rumbling noise. You could tell it wasn't the car, so you looked around a bit to see what the culprit was. You looked to Sugawara, to see if he heard the noise too, but by the way he had his hand over his stomach, and the slightly embarrassed expression, you deduced it was him.

"You hungry?"


You chuckled and changed your route, pulling into the parking lot of a McDonalds. The two of you walked in, and ordered your food before finding a table to wait at. You tried to start up a conversation,
"So Sugawara, you thinking of getting a place of your own soon?"

He seemed startled by your sudden interest in his living situation, but continued with the flow of the conversation,
"I've been looking, but it's really hard to find a house right now, and I'm starting to think my parents are getting tired of their adult son living in their house..."

"Oh I know, you could live with me!"


"Yeah, just until you find a place of your own, it should be fun! We'd be roommates!"

Part of him really wanted to accept your offer, but he didn't think he'd be able to handle being with you all day, otherwise he'd be in a constant state of being flustered.

"Thanks for the offer, but I wouldn't want to impose on you,"

"If you say so, but the offer still stands, just let me know if you ever change your mind,"

He made a mental note of that, and soon the two of you heard your order number get called out.

"I'll get it,"
You'd stood up, and walked quickly to your meal, but ended up walking into a distracted customer, making him fall to the floor.

You knelt down and extended a hand to him, taking note of his long black hair,
"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

He looked up at you, the blinding lights of the McDonalds illuminating you like an angel. He grabbed onto your hand, and you helped him up,
"I'm okay, and you don't need to apologize, it was my fault,"

You stared at him a little longer, and you suddenly realized who he was.
"You're Udai Tenma right? I love your work in [manga] it's so immersive!"

He didn't expect to get recognized or complimented on what seemed like what was going to be a mundane trip to a fast food place, but he enjoyed hearing your praise nonetheless.

You handed him a piece of paper with your phone number on it,
"I work at a school, and I think it'd be nice if you would be able to talk to the kids about what being a manga artist was like!"

He stared at the paper in his hand, cycling through many scenarios to figure out if he was fit to speak to so many young children.

Sugawara walked up behind you,
"Hey (f/n), what's taking you so long?"

He looked to you, and then the manga artist, and then also had a moment of realization.
"Oh my gosh, your Udai Tenma! You were Little Giant! One of my underclassmen was obsessed with you back in the day,"

He let out a slightly embarrassed chuckle, and you took this as your cue to change the subject.

"Sugawara, I was thinking we could have him come for career day, how does that sound?"

Sugawara whispered into your ear,
"What does he do?"

You whispered back,
"He's a manga artist,"

The whispers ended,
"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea!"

You all smiled at each other, with a slight aura of awkwardness floating in the air. A coffee was placed on the counter, and the former volleyball star grabbed it,
"I should get going, I have an appointment with... someone. It was nice meeting you though!"

And he awkwardly shuffled off. You and Sugawara gave each other a look, and went to grab your food, devouring it at your table. After that, you drove Sugawara home, reiterating that he could move in with you if he pleased, and he once again denied. You said your goodbyes, and you drove home, and collapsed on your couch as you got in.

Forgotten (Adult Haikyuu x M!reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora