Chapter 38

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The journey to London was by far the worse travel experience I've ever had, and I went through a sea voyage pregnant. The weather was awful from the time we left Cairo until we docked in London. There we had just a brief moment of peace before it started to downpour again. "I will never again complain about the desert."

"You've been complaining?" He asks with a small smirk. I roll my eyes and shove his shoulder a bit. It seemed that being out, away from the village, we were resorting back to our old ways, back before we had our children, back when we could go on adventures.

"No. Not since my first couple of months there, at least." I say, surveying the house. I watched as Evy and Rick pull up, their son running from the car in front of them. A short time later, 2 more cars pull up along the side of the house, men in red turbans exiting them and sneaking in a side door. "I guess that's our cue." I say as we move quietly down the hillside, using a separate entrance into the house.

"Now I will kill you and take it anyway." We hear Lock-Nah as we walk up the hallway.

"I think not." Ardeth says as we enter into the foyer.

"Ardeth, Peggy. What are you doing here?"

"Perhaps an explanation would be best said later? When we're not surrounded by dumbasses with swords." I say, coming up to stand on the other side of my husband.

"Ardeth Bay."


"And this must be your beautiful wife. Shame I couldn't meet her last time." I growl and go to lunge at him but Ardeth holds me back. Lock-Nah just smirks. He gives the signal and the men behind him charge us, swords drawn.

I sweep one's feet out from underneath him, slicing through his neck as he falls before popping up and engaging with another one. I take a brief moment to check in on Ardeth and Evy, both who seem to have things around them under control.

I jump over to help Ardeth and we're fighting back to back, taking on 3 of Lock-Nah's men. "Not bad, for the Medjai." He comments.

One of the goons is fighting Rick and Evy's son for the chest and knocks it out of his hand. I kick him towards Ardeth who stabs him. "What's in the chest?!" He yells back to Evy.

"It's the Bracelet of Anubis!"

"You've got to be shitting me?! Didn't you learn anything from the last time you desecrated a tomb?" I yell as Lock-Nah attacks Ardeth. I'm barely aware of what's going on around me, only the sounds of Ardeth grunting alerting me that he was taking a beating.

"They must not get the bracelet! Get it and get out of here!" Ardeth yells to Evy. I help her son topple over the bookshelf while she grabs the chest.

"Mom, look out!" He screams as Evy gets knocked in the face.

"Evelyn!" Ardeth yells as I'm thrown into the wall and I lose consciousness.


I come to a bit later to Ardeth gently tapping my face. "What's going on?" I ask.

"Evelyn's gone. The bracelet was taken with her." He informs me.

"We need to go find Rick and Jonathan." I say as he helps me up.

"I'm Alex." The little boy with us introduces himself.

"It's nice to finally meet you Alex." I say warmly, he reminds me of Asir. "Let's go get your mom back." I add before we take off out the back door where we hear gunshots. I watch as two cars drive off into the night.

"Dad! Dad!" Alex yells as we run up to them.

"Peggy! It's good to see you old girl." Jonathan says and I punch him in the arm.

"That's for the old comment." I say with a small smile.

"O'Connell." Ardeth says in greeting before Rick grabs him by his lapels.

"Rick! Stop!" I yell trying to pry him off.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" And before either of us get a chance to respond he's going on. "No, scratch that. I don't care. Who the hell are those guys and where are they taking my wife?"

"My friend, I'm not sure, but wherever this man is, your wife will surely be." Ardeth explains, pulling out a picture of the cult leader.

We look down as Alex grabs the picture examining it. "Hey, I know him. He's the curator. He works at the British Museum." Alex explains.

"Are you positive?" I ask, my head turning quickly to look at Ardeth.

"Believe him. He spends more time there than at home." Rick says before we all take off running towards the car. Here we go again. Another life or death adventure at the hands of Evelyn O'Connell, née Carnahan.

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