Chapter 10

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I jumped out of the bathtub, slipping and falling on my ass in the process. I did my best to dry off and get the blood off of me. I quickly got dressed and ran over to Berny's room. The door was shut and locked. "Fuck!" I thought. I took my gun out of the holder by my side and shot off the handle, forcing it open. What I saw inside would be forever burned into my mind. That creature was standing over Bernard, mouth almost completely unhinged, sucking the life out of him. He dropped Berny back onto the chair, completely drained.

He turned to me and I couldn't hold back the gasp that came out. Before my very eyes he started regenerating. Skin started to form across his body. I shot at him, but it didn't seem to do anything. More shots came from behind me, and I turned to see Rick and Evy had entered the room behind me. The creature started coming at us and I pulled Evy over to the bookshelves and out of the way. In his frustration, the creature had picked Rick up and threw him into Jonathan, Daniels and Jack who had just come through the door. He walked over to us and I pulled Evy behind me. I had no idea why, but he seemed infatuated with her. He grabbed me by the neck and threw me across the room, where I landed on Jack.

"You saved me from the undead. I thank you." He spoke to Evy before moving to kiss her. I made to get up to stop him but before I could, something caused the piano to make a loud, jarring noise. Looking over, I saw a white cat on top of the keys, ears flat against its head hissing at the creature. He shrieked before spinning into a cloud of sand and blowing out the window.

"We are in very serious trouble." Rick said, staring out the window in horrified amazement. I got up, freeing Jack to do the same.

"Are you ok?" he asked, taking in the state of my hair and red stained face. I was shaking, from fear, exhaustion or adrenaline I wasn't sure. All I could do was shake my head.

"I left him for five minutes max. I'm so sorry Berny." I wailed as I walked over to the chair where his body was, collapsing beside it. Jack came over and pulled me up, holding me against him in case I fell again. Daniels looked distraught, an emotion I never wanted to see on him. He might be an asshole, but he cared about Bernard, just like me.

I hadn't noticed I was still shaking until Daniels put his overcoat around my shoulders. I nodded in thanks, still not trusting my own voice. "We need answers." Rick said. We all nodded in agreement.

"And I know just where to go to get them." Evy said before walking out of the room, the rest of us trailing after her. We made it outside of the fort and Jonathan pulled his car up. Daniels got in the very back, a spot that was normally used for luggage, while Jack settled me in the back seat taking the spot behind the driver. Evy and Rick joined Jonathan in the front. Even in the desert heat, I was still shaking. I could feel Jack's eyes on me. I knew he was worried, but I just couldn't bring myself to say anything yet.

We drove through the streets of Cairo and got the Museum of Antiquities in no time at all. Parking out back, we all got out of the vehicle and made our way inside. "He does seem to like you, Evy." Jonathan pointed out.

"Yeah, what's that about?" Rick added.

"What's this guy want?" Jack asked.

"Well right now, I think what he wants is obvious," I muttered under my breath. They all turned and gave me a look. "What? He's already taken Bernard. It can't be that difficult to figure out at least part of his master plan." We were right outside one of the exhibits when we heard people talking in hushed voices inside.

"There's only one person I know who could possibly give us any answers." Evy said before turning into the exhibit and we came face to face with Ardeth and a man with a red fez hat. They both immediately stopped talking when we entered. "You?!" Evy said, loudly. Rick, Daniels and Jack all pulled their guns. Jonathan, fumbling a little pulled his out as well. I just leaned back against one of the walls, not making any movements to "diffuse" the situation with fire power.

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