Chapter 37

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We arrive at the mountain lookout by nightfall, the rest of the scouting team eagerly awaiting our arrival. "What do we know?" Ardeth asks as we look over the ledge at the small army that had ascended upon the ruins.

"They came about a day ago. But they knew exactly what they were looking for. Found the bound of sand and start setting up camp." Nasir said.

"What are they looking for?" I ask, taking in the sight below.

"We're unsure. They've been digging ever since."

"This is not good." I say. "They dig down far enough, they can still find the books. Those did not disappear into black goop." Ardeth gives me a look. "What?"

"Well, actually, the book of Amun-Rah did. Jonathan apparently had tripped and it fell in."

"So the only one not accounted for is the Book of the Dead? Fantastic. That's not problematic at all."

"I'm going in."

"Chieftain, Lock-Nah and his people are among them." Ardeth's face hardens.

"I'm going in. Posing as a worker." He commands. "You will remain here with the others until I return." Ardeth says just to me.

I nod. "Just please, don't engage him. You'll be vastly outnumbered." I say quietly. He leads me away from the others and in an attempt to give us some privacy, Nasir quickly puts them to work.

"I will be ok, ya amar. I need you here, where I know you will be safe, where I don't have to worry about you getting hurt."

"I will listen, this time. Please come back to me in one piece."

"I always do." He says before grabbing a different horse and heading to the ruins.

"He will be alright Margaret." Nasir assures me.

"I'm sure he will. I just worry what this all means. The future is murky in the best of times, and this doesn't bode well." I say before returning to the tents and settling in for the night.


Two nights later, we're gathered at the ridge, watching the madness unfold below. Painful screams fill the valley, followed by fire. In the midst of the chaos we almost miss the call out. "They found him." I say, fearfully. I turn to Nasir and he's already barking orders, sending some men back to the village to protect it, and some to the other tribes to spread the word. "I will wait for Ardeth with you before I myself return to our village." He tells me. I nod and in the distance, hear the group at Hamunaptra clear out.

It's not long before Ardeth has rejoined us. "They found him. And the books."

"What's going on now? Why have they left?" I ask.

"They're heading for the bracelet."

"The bracelet?" I ask.

"The Scorpion King's bracelet." My eyes go wide. I had been taught every legend of our people, legends that were just that to the rest of the world, but to us, they were very, very real.

"And where is the bracelet?"

"London." He says shortly, giving me a knowing gaze.

"Evy..." I hiss under my breath.

"It doesn't surprise me."

"You would've thought after the last time, she would've learned to let things be."

"You would have hoped. But now we must head for England. Nasir, you are in charge until we return. Please tell my mother of the plans. And keep a special eye on the children." Nasir nods and we part ways, Ardeth and I heading to Cairo to get a boat and Nasir back to our people.

"Well, I've always wanted to see London." I say as we board the boat. "But I wish it was for something other than the end of the world."

"Ya amar, you should know by now. Whenever the O'Connells are involved, it's always the end of the world." This was the closest thing to a joke I've heard him say in years. It was a shame it took the end of the world to bring back my husband's sense of humor.

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