Chapter 23

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The next morning dawned bright and early and even though the ceremony and following reception weren't set to start until sundown that didn't stop Evy, Rahim and several of the other ladies in the village from waking me up and fussing over me. They started by forcing me into the tub that had been prepared with scalding water and the most wonderful smelling soaps and salts I've ever used. After ensuring that every inch of me was clean, they helped me out and started toweling me off. I wasn't used to having people pamper me so I kept trying to steal the towels back to do it myself, but they would have nothing of it. "It is your wedding day. You should not be lifting a finger, not even to take care of yourself. After all, you are marrying the Chieftain." One of the village women, whose name was Aisha, told me before forcing me to stand still as they started working my hair into loose curls that cascaded down my back. Rahima added a hair comb, a beautiful piece with the brightest blue gemstones set in gold, pulling some of the curls behind my ear.

"Asir gave this to me the night before our wedding. I had saved it in hopes of having a daughter to wear it on her wedding day. It would make me very happy if you would wear it today as you become my daughter." I was doing my best not to cry, and I couldn't make words form, so I just nodded to her. I was starving, having not eaten anything since dinner the night before so before I got into my dress2. Once I had managed to finish the fruit that they had offered me, they got to work wrapping my wedding robes around me, clipping them in place. Instead of a traditional dark blue color, Rahima had made mine in white, to pay homage to the American customs I grew up with. It was adorned with gold embroidery and flowed around me like waves. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever worn.

The sun was beginning to set, and I was getting anxious. Rahima had gone to check on Ardeth and that left me with Evy. I had started pacing about five minutes before and I'd already worn a decent size trench in the floor of my tent. I looked around, trying to distract myself from the growing feeling of worry in my stomach. This would be the last time I would be in this tent. After tonight, I would move into Ardeth's tent. As such, most of my things had already been moved over there.

"Are you ready? It's time." Evy asked. I looked over at her, and nodded, not quite trusting my voice. Between Ardeth and Rahima, they had done their best to explain exactly how a marriage ceremony went in the Medjai culture. Typically, a bride is presented to her husband by her father. As my father would not be here, Rick would be standing in, presenting me to Ardeth, who would then lead me to the center of the circle where an elder would be waiting to recite the ancient marriage ritual, which basically meant that he would recite commands that both Ardeth and I were to follow in our marriage, and we would respond with "I will". Then Ardeth would present me with a ring, a way to bring one of my culture's traditions into it, and we would officially be married. Two of the Medjai would then sign a document as witnesses and the festivities would begin.

Evy had led me through the maze of tents to where we were meeting up with Rick for him to walk to me the center of the village where the ceremony would take place. The setting sun was casting the whole village in an ethereal glow. We met up with Rick and with a nod, we started walking towards the middle of the village, where everyone was standing in a circle, ready to witness the wedding of their chieftain. Rick led me to the edge of the circle, where Ardeth was waiting for us. My breath caught in my throat.

He was wearing a new set of robes as well. His were in a shade of dark shade of royal blue that made his eyes pop. They were adorned with silver embroidery that made it look like the stars in the night sky. He reached for my hand, to lead me to the elder. Leaning down to bring his mouth close to my ear, he whispered, "You look beautiful ya amar." I blushed but didn't have time to respond as we had reached the makeshift altar before the elder. The next hour of my life passed by so quickly I couldn't focus on any one thing. One moment I was promising Ardeth to bare him sons and uphold what it meant to be the wife of a chieftain. The next he was placing a ring on my finger, a testament to my culture, and we were presented to our gathered people as man and wife. There were many shouts of happiness and clapping.

The reception started right away, and I was not prepared for it. A couple of the men moved the altar out of the way and a huge bonfire was lit. Cushions were laid out in a circle around it, far enough back that there was plenty of room for dancing but still close enough that no one would get cold. The women of the tribe went above and beyond with the food that had been prepared. After the meal, the low tables had been moved away and the music began. Rahima and Aisha had been teaching me the dances of the tribe for the past two months and I was just confidant enough that I wouldn't make a total fool out of myself. Ardeth took my hand and led me out into the circle. The dance wasn't that complicated, it mostly consisted of us moving around each other while each of us holding onto the end of a scarf. But I'm not known for my gracefulness so for most of it, I was looking down at my feet, ensuring they were in the correct places.

The reception lasted well into the night but before it got too late, Ardeth made our excuses and we left. I was expecting us to head to our tent, but he led me to the stables where his horse was already saddled up for us. "Where are we going?"

"I thought, for tonight, that we would want to get away from the village, just be by ourselves." He said as he helped me onto his horse. He got on in front of me and clicked his tongue. The horse took off in a steady walk and soon the lights of the village were bleeding into the horizon. We didn't go too far though. After maybe an hour, we came to a stop at this little oasis. It wasn't very big, but it had a little pond and enough trees that the morning sun wouldn't wake us too early. There was already one of our big tents set up with torches lit around it, just far enough away that there wasn't a risk of anything catching on fire, but close enough that the entire campsite was bathed in warm light.

Ardeth helped me down and went to secure his horse. I made my way into our tent, pleased to find that there were the traditional bed cushions as well as blankets already set up. I heard Ardeth enter. "When did you have time to set all this up?" I asked, turning and looking up at him. He smiled at me.

"I can't give away all of my secrets, now can I?" he winked. I didn't think it was possible to be happier than I already was, my cheeks hurt from all the smiling and laughing I had done today. I hadn't felt like this in a long time. He was directly in front of me by this point and leaning down. I met him halfway, our lips barely touching at first. He pulled me closer to him, until I was flush up against his body and I could feel his muscles under his robes. The kiss turned desperate at this point, needy. He licked my bottom lip, and I opened my mouth, granting him entrance.

His hands moved down my body, unclipping my robe when he came in contact with the fasteners. Soon I was standing before him completely naked. My initial instinct was to cover myself but Ardeth would have none of it. He held my hands to my sides. "Do not be afraid of showing yourself to me. I'm not going to hurt you." He whispered. He led me over to the bed cushion and gently laid me down. He removed his clothes and laid down over me. "Just close your eyes. I promise the pain will pass soon." He said before swiftly entering me. Tears started forming in the corner of my eyes as I got used to the foreign feeling in between my legs. He stayed still, kissing away the tears until the pain had subsided.

I nodded at him and he started to move, slowly at first. The pain was quickly turning to pleasure. I had never felt like this in my life. Ardeth was beyond gentle, allowing me to dictate our pace. Soon however the feeling got to be too much, and he could tell that, so he took matters into his own hands, thrusting into me so fast I couldn't keep the noises coming from me in any longer. I felt this pressure build inside of me, coiling tighter and tighter until I felt it snap. Something broke and I saw stars. There was nothing, just me and Ardeth and this feeling. I could feel myself clamping down on him, causing his thrusts to be more erratic. He stilled, and I was worried something was wrong, until he let out a low moan and I felt him twitch inside me as he came. Exhausted, he collapsed onto the bed cushion beside me, wrapping an arm around my waist, pulling me close. Grabbing a blanket to protect us from the night air and pulling it over us, I laid my head on his chest falling into the most peaceful sleep I had in months.

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