Chapter 9

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We rode through most of the night, only stopping for water when it was absolutely necessary. We made it back to Cairo in record time. I was scared, I'll admit it. That thing wasn't going to stop just because we had left Hamunaptra, I was certain. I wasn't even sure an ocean was enough to stop him. Jack and Daniels, however, thought that getting home would bring some safety so they dropped me and Bernard off at the fort and went to the docks to secure us passage back to America.

Gosh, Berny. He moaned and groaned the whole way back and if he had been able to cry, I'm sure he would have been doing that too. I had no idea how to help him, so I got him situated in the rooms that were made available for us and wrapped his head with gauze. "You're going to be ok Berny. I'm going to get you home." I promised him.

"Peggy, how're you going to pull that off?" he asked, or I assume that's what he was asking. I gently put my hand on his cheek in an attempt to comfort him. He flinched at first, having no warning beforehand but leaned into it, calming down. We sat like this for a little while, trying to process everything that had happened and everything that was yet to come.

That was where Jack and Daniels found us. They came barging in, banging the door, causing both Bernard and me to jump about a foot in the air. "Oh, for goodness' sake Jack! I know Mama has told you about the proper way to enter a room and it's not by making as much noise as possible."

"Sorry Peggy. We have good news, and not so good news." He said sheepishly.

"Just spit it out." Daniels said impatiently, walking over to Bernard to check on him. I heard Berny mumble as best he could that he was ok but much like me, Daniels wasn't convinced of this.

"We were able to find a boat that was leaving for America and get spots on it."

"But?" I asked.

"It doesn't leave until tomorrow." And there was the catch.

"Ok. Well lets pack everything up and get ready to leave first thing in the morning," I said. They just looked at me, blinking with confusion. "I'm not your servant. I'm packing up Berny's things and my own. The two of you go back to your rooms and pack your shit up or it's staying here." I ordered. That got them up and moving and out the door. Knowing that it wouldn't take me long to gather up Bernard's things, I went to work there first. I started in the bathroom, gathering his razor and shaving cream, as well as the rest of his toiletries from the shelf by the tub. Gathering everything in my arms, I went back out into the main room and neatly placed it all into one of his trunks. "I'll be right back Bernard. I'm going over to my room to start packing my things and clean myself up. I'll be back in thirty minutes." He nodded in response before going back to the tea I had set aside for him.

I walked across the hall and entered my rooms, leaving the door open just a little so I'd be able to hear Bernard if he needed me. Gathering my clothes from the closet, I placed them on the bed, folding them before reaching under the bed for my trunk and placing them inside. Finally, I couldn't take the feeling of dirt and sand and grime that had built up from days in the desert without a proper bath. Walking into my bathroom, I turned on the tub and added some of the bath salts that I had bought in the market when we first arrived in Cairo. Grabbing a fresh pair of undergarments along with a pair of riding pants and one of my nice flowy shirts, I set them on the small pouf in the bathroom by the vanity and got undressed.

I slowly sank into the tub, while the water was still running. The hot water felt amazing. I hadn't realized just how tightly I was wound until I could feel my muscles slowly start to return to normal. I sank lower, allowing the water to completely covering me, letting the world fall away for just a little. When I came back up, I noticed little rivets of red running down my chest. Opening my mouth, some that was running down my face ran into my mouth. When it hit my tongue, I gagged and spit it out, screaming. Blood, it was fucking blood!

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