chapter 17 - missing him

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Gwinam and I had now been broken up for well over three months or so now, and in all honesty, I was kind of missing him. Missing his tan skin, his sweet smile, so good to me, so right, and how he held me in his arms that cool autumn night, oh, how every time I think about that date I just simply want to cry.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that I simply forgot that I had actually arrived at my maths classroom, as I quickly unpacked my books and belongings out of my backpack, and made my way inside of the cold classroom.

I sat down in my regular seat, behind Gwinam's. I knew that there was no point in sitting behind him, and even though after we broke up, for at least a few months he sat on the opposite side of the classroom, he eventually came back to his normal seat which was nice; even though we don't talk or anything even more. I doubt he even looks at me now. He just goes about his same old fuck boy day and probably forgot that he even heard my name. I would say that I thought he was different than the rest but I know that they are all the same.

I stared at the empty seat in front of my own, still lost in my sad train of regret and thoughts. On-Jo came in and sat down next to me muttering a sort 'hi' before opening up her workbook, and beginning her math work. I noticed a body sit down in the seat in front of me and I looked up expecting to be met with the view of the back of Gwinam's head. I smiled to myself, hearing his contagious laugh fulfil the ears of mine and many others around him. I felt my heart simply sink into my chest down to the bottom pit of my stomach, like a small stone thrown into the ocean, it will fall painfully slowly but will never come back up. That's how I felt about Gwinam and I. Even if I were to try and get back with him, it simply wouldn't work. Our love was long gone. Simply dead and gone and buried gone.

I thought about him all math class, like I normally do, laughing to myself as he flicked small bits of paper across the classroom at some innocent students, or talks back at a teacher threatening him with some sort of punishment or another.

I quickly and quietly made my way home like I always do, thinking about my dumbass decision of ending it with him. I pulled my iPhone out of my pocket once I reached my bedroom. I logging onto my phone I sighed when I pulled up me and Gwinam's old conversations.

|||||||||| Gwinam's POV ||||||||||

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