chapter 10 - how was the test ??

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I slowly made my to my maths classroom. It was the last period of the day, and I had yet again, another test.

Why do they make us take so many maths tests? It's still the very start of term! I thought to myself, frowning I enter the class, and Gwinam catches my eye, who's already seated in his seat, two spots away from me. I sit down on On-Jo's side which wasn't occupied by Gwinam.

I slowly completed the difficult test, sighing and complaining at the stupid questions. Nobody will ever need any of this in their life, so i just don't understand why I need to do it. I am 16, something tells me that I am not going to be owning a concreting business, or dealing boats any time soon!

After over an hour I once again sigh, closing my test paper. I knew I failed. I just don't care. I looked over at the strong, muscular, well defined teenage boy on the opposite side of my maths buddy.

"Once you finish your tests, you are now allowed to leave." My teacher announced pushing himself up from the seat behind his desk and quietly opening the classroom door.

My eyes made their way back to Gwinam and I stared at him for a couple of seconds. Even though I was doing nothing wrong I felt weird about staring at his perfectly defined face. My eyes trail down to his pink, plump, kissable lips. Oh how perfect they would feel against mine, rough, yet so soft and luxurious. I just longed for the day when I could feel and taste Gwinam.

Suddenly I was snapped out of my daze, when his beautiful, deep and dark brown coloured eyes looked up to meet mine. I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach as he smiled at me, tilting his head and waving slightly. I smiled back, before placing my test on the teachers desk and racing out of the classroom. With all of these feelings racing around inside of my body, i honestly felt as if I was going to explode.

I have never felt this way before. About anyone.

As i made my way to my car, I felt the phone vibrate inside of my pocket. I opened up my jacket and reached inside of the pocked to reveal my iPhone, looking at the message on the lit up screen.

Gwinam: Heyy how was the test??

It read. Little did he know that the real test was not pouncing on top of him after class.

I sighed before putting my phone back into my jacket pocket and making my way home.

math class | gwinam x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora