19. Broken Bonds.

Start from the beginning

"I thought you were 'Mr backup-plans for backup-plans'." - Dewey stated, making air quotes.

"Yeah, but I usually more time to plan." - He spotted Strongman exiting from his trailer, a 100lb barbell in each hand. - "I say we strike now."

Before either of his brother could protest, Louie had taken off. Quickly and quietly, he advanced on the Strongman. Ducking down behind a stack of boxes, he waited for Huey and Dewey to catch up before he stepped out of cover.

Snatching a loose wooden plank off the top of one of the boxes, he stepped up behind the Hippo.

"Hey Strongman, remember me?" - He inquired, before smashing the piece of lumber against the back of his head. Knocking the larger man to the ground and stunning him. Walking around to the front of the downed man, alongside his brothers, Louie couldn't help but to make a joke. - "I know right? Hit you so hard, now you're seeing three."

The Strongman gave a grunt and made for a grab, which Louie easily dodged.

"Gettin' slow big guy?"

"Uh Lou," - Huey spoke up. - "Should you really be taunting this guy?"

Louie snorted. - "Guy's dumb as a bag of rocks, without his friends around, he's no trouble."

Upon hearing that, Strongman became enraged, with a growl he charged forward, catching Louie off guard, shouldering him. The teen thief was catapulted backwards, through the fabric of the tent and onto the sawdust covered interior.

"Well, well, well. I didn't think we'd be seeing you anytime soon, Louie."

Groaning, he pushed himself to his feet. - "Gang's all here." - He muttered, noticing the remaining five members of the troop surrounding him.

Thud! Thud!

"Let me make introductions, Circus of Six, my brothers-" - He gestured to two other teens who had landed beside him. - "Huey, Dewey. Huey, Dewey, the Circus of Six."

Lion-Tamer scoffed. - "Huey? Dewey? What strange names."

"Big talk comin' from someone named Archibald." - Louie shot back. - "So, who do you want to do this? Two-on-one, tag team?" - Lion-Tamer cracked his whip at the brothers. It would have taken their heads off if not for the three ducking. - "Free-for-all it is."

Louie surged forward, charging at Ringmaster first, when he saw the Crow reaching for his holstered gun. 

Before he could pull it free, Louie's fist had slammed into his face, breaking his half-mask into quarters, and leaving the group's leader unconscious.

"One down, five to go." - He muttered, before turning around.

It seemed years of adventuring had done Huey and Dewey good. They were seemingly as fast and strong as Louie was and were able to hold their own against the Circus members.

Dewey was battling the Lion-Tamer, having managed to avoid many of his whip strikes and had gotten close enough to capitalise on his lack of hand-to-hand proficiency. Dealing damaging blows while avoiding all of his opponents' attacks.

Huey, always the realist, was easily dealing with the illusions produced by the Mystic. His accrued knowledge of science and magic had proven useful in the fight against the wannabe sorceress.

That left three. The Strongman, Clown and Trick-Shot.

It seemed that the blow, that Louie had dealt the Strongman had given the Hippo a concussion, as he was slowly staggering about, taking swings at things that weren't there. He was no longer a threat.

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