III Max's P.O.V

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I cheered as I watched the recorded live off the appeal round of the Sinnoh Grand Festival. I would have loved to be there to watch it live, but while the Sinnoh Grand Festival was only starting, the Johto Grand Festival was in its last stages. Mom and dad took me to watch and be there to cheer for my big sister. The event was packed with strong coordinators! It was a hard event, especially since May had to face every single one of her rivals to make it t the finals. Drew, on the other hand, had it much easier.

May began with a bang, using her Delcatty, who she had evolved as soon as we got back from Alola, and Beautifly for the appeal round. They made a weather base performance that shocked us all. She began with a powerful Blizzard from Delcatty if you thought her Skitty's Blizzard was strong, you've seen nothing yet. Beautifly intercepted the Blizzard with a well-timed Silver Wind that caused silver snowflakes to fall softly all over the stage. Delcatty then aimed a Water Pulse high towards the ceiling, where Beautifly turned into a beautiful rainbow with the use of Morning Sun. The scenery that was created was breathtaking. Snowflakes fell creating a winter landscape in the early morning thanks to the Morning Sun, with a delicate rainbow that overtook the whole stage and its collage of colors was reflected in the mirror-like silver snowflakes.

It was such a beautiful scene... a soothing peace overtook me while I was watching it. I did not even notice the solitary tear that fell down my cheek until Rats turned around on my lap to wipe it. I could see that he was also crying, our bond and my emotions overwhelmed him.

I just... I've never been prouder of my sister.

I was not the only one, mom was also in tears and dad had this huge smile on his face. Pride was shining in his eyes as he watched his little girl all grown up now. I could not believe that the same big sister that was afraid of pokemon was now earning top scores as a seasoned coordinator and passing on to the battle round of the Grand Festival with the highest score and top performance.

That's my big sister!

For the first battle round, she used Delcatty and Beautifly again, I think she was trying to make it up to them as she had not used the much during her Johto journey. I felt sorry for the coordinator she faced first, the poor girl was a rookie and she had to face May right off the bat. The Shadow Ball-Energy Ball combo took down her Ledian and Furret easily. In the top 16, she used her Pikachu for the first time and partnered up with her Muchlax. Pikachu's speed and Munchlax's unpredictability were an amazing combo, her opponent didn't know what hit him. Quite literal really, May overused the Menotrome and made up combos right in the middle of the battle. She even created an electric winter storm, with the use of a Menotrome summoned Blizzard and Discharge. One that somehow managed to both freeze and paralyzes her opponent's Jumpluff and Politoed.

No idea how she did that, but I've never seen a clearer sign that she was trained by Ash.

It was truly in the top 8 that things began to get complicated. She faced off against Harley. It was Harley's Cacturne and Banette vs May's Glaceon and Blaziken. It was a difficult battle, but in the end, May managed to get the upper hand with a new combo I had seen her train at dad's gym. First Blaziken attacked with a Close Combat fired up with Blaze Kick, then Glaceon joined using Freeze Dry of all things! Glaceon charged an orb of light blue energy and then fired a beam of light blue energy from the orb at Blaziken's legs. The fire in his kicks became blue flames! It looked so cool! But what took the prize was when Blaziken managed to land a hit on Cacturne froze him and then the ice around him shattered into blinding blue flames. The poor Cacturne fainted right before the time buzzer went off, taking down Harley's point along with him.

May then faced off Solidad in the top 4, the same coordinator that was her ending previously. I was worried when Solidad called out her two strongest pokemon, Lapras and Slowbro. But then May called out her Venasaur and Blastoise, yes Wartortle had achieved his last evolutionary form. That battle was one of grace and strength, the bleachers shook from the power coming off their attacks clashing against each other. Dad was shocked by the power they showcase, normally finding this kind of battle on the last rounds of a Pokemon League. While mom was stunned that they were able to maintain the level of beauty and grace, while also hitting as hard as they could. May had learned that from Ash, however, Solidad was the surprise for me. In the end, May won by a double knock-out thanks to her pokemon's Solar Beam and Hydro Pump combo. I did tell her it was too much for a contest but seeing the points on the screen I realized that Solidad had had the advantage and the time was running out. May had used that combo intentionally to knock out Solidad's pokemon and advance to the final round.

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