II Professor Oak's P.O.V

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"Good morning people! This is Sinnoh! The Radio of Today. Here's your lovely host Marie Woodland!" I chuckled at the upbeat reporter. It's her energy, it's just contagious. "Today we have a very special guest: Ace Ranger Ash Ketchum!" Pre-recorded cheers and applause were heard in the background. "Thank you very much for accepting our invitation."

"Hi, thank you for having me." Came the polite response.

He was clearly nervous... or at least, nervous for me. Comparing his usual upbeat behavior with this calm response, it's easy to tell.

"So, Mr. Ketchum..." started Marie but Ash cut her off gently.
"Please, call me Ash. Mr. Ketchum is... my father."

"Ok, then! Ash, first I would like to thank you for capturing Hunter J. I think I speak for everyone when I say, we will be sleeping much easier now that she isn't out there poaching our pokemon." Marie thanked him.

I shared a proud smile with Delia, as Ash's pokemon cheered excitedly.

"I was just doing my job, as were many other Rangers. It was only because we all worked together that we were able to complete the mission successfully." Ash answered.

It was a polite response, something that many people of high positions would say. I know that he means it, but others that don't know a thing about Ash might think he's lying. But the thing with Ash is that he says it with so much conviction and honesty that one can't do anything but be charmed and believe it.

"I know that you can't tell us much about the mission, as it is confidential. But can you tell us more about what it means to be a Ranger for you? Something tells me that your answer will be different than anyone else's before you." Marie asked him, excitedly.

"Well... I am a very weird Ranger." He answered, chuckling, making us all laugh. "I'm honestly a living trouble magnet! Since my first year traveling, I've stumbled upon every possible disaster known to both humans and pokemon alike. I'm not joking! It's the Arceus damn truth!" He protested as Marie laughed at his response, but I could hear the amusement in his voice. "It was only when I saved a Larvitar egg, around my second year, that I became an honorary member of the Rangers' force. Since then, I've been doing the same thing as before, help if I find trouble... which happens more times than I am willing to admit." More laughing, I could see many of Ash's pokemon sweatdrop at that. Surely recalling a certain memory. "Helping Rangers I meet with a mission and work alongside the police force when needed. I believe my situation is kind of different, as I work directly under the Ranger Commission. I travel to wherever I want, and they call me for any missions that need help, whenever I am close to them."

"So, does that mean that you didn't come to Sinnoh to apprehend Hunter J?" Marie asked surprised.

"No... don't get me wrong. I am all for aiding in the capture of any poacher. But I wasn't asked to come and help in Sinnoh. I simply chose to come to this region to travel and catch new pokemon. The Ranger Commission gave me the mission after finding out where I decided to travel next." He answered.

"Wow, that is a surprise." She said honestly. "Can you tell us why you do it?"
"I don't understand, why I do what?" Ash inquired confused.

"Why you help strangers? Before becoming an official Ranger, it was not your duty, yet you still risked your safety and sometimes life helping strangers and wild pokemon." Marie explained.

"Well, I would like to think that anyone would do it. Give a helping hand to someone in need." His true to Arceus response silenced us all. The fun atmosphere turned into a serious one. "I can't really give you an answer. I act before I think most of the time. Whenever I see or hear anyone in trouble, I am running before I know it. Though you could say it is in my blood."

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