VII Pikachu's P.O.V

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"Hello over there." A loud voice called out, as they were returning to the Pokemon Center from the Festival. The group turned around to see a very large man wearing a coat and blue wrestling pants waving at them, there was a mask on his face too. He seemed familiar but I couldn't put his finger on it.

"You must be the gym leader of Pastoria city. Crasher Wake right?" Ash asked.

"The very same." Wake answered.

"I'm sorry, have we met before?" Ash asked.

"I suppose you wouldn't remember me, you were under a year old last time I saw you." Wake responded sadly before perking up. He reached into one of his coat pockets and took out a photo he handed Ash.

I recall this photo, and by the look of it so did Ash. I had seen it back home in Delia's room. In the picture was Delia holding Ash as a baby, next to her there was a man that was a fair bit smaller than the man in front of us but still large. However, they had the same eyes.

Wake looked around to make sure no one was listening. "Your father was my brother." Wake said.

"Wait... What? Your Uncle Wake?" Ash asked.

Wake then led Ash, Riley, Lucario, Dawn, Piplup, and me to his Gym. Next to it, there was a decently sized house nearby. Wake led us all in. "Make yourselves at home." Wake said as everyone set their stuff down and took a seat.

"So, how is Delia?" Wake asked.

"She is doing great," Ash answered. I could see that he was at a loss for words, yet there were still so many questions.

"Hey Wake, is there any place we can go to get supplies?" Riley suddenly asked.

"Yes, there is a mart nearby." Wake replied.

"In that case, Dawn and I will go there while you catch up," Riley said, as he grabbed his and Dawn's things.

"Wait for wha..." Dawn stopped by Riley's look. One that clearly was saying: "I think they need some time alone." Ash and I picked up on that too and looked at them thankfully. "Oh... OH! Right, I need to pick up a few things myself." Dawn said.

"So, I know there is a lot to talk about. Let me start by apologizing for not being able to contact you. Every time I called Delia you were busy with something. even as a kid. And I couldn't contact you much because I am both a wrestler and a Gym Leader." Wake began.

"I understand. You tried your best to be there when you could." Ash responded.

"Thanks that means a lot to me to hear from you." Wake smiled. "Now I know you must have lots of questions."

"Yes. Like what were my paternal grandparents like? I asked my mom but she said she never met them." Ash asked surprising Wake.

"Uh... Well... That is not something I like discussing, but you should know." Wake started. I frowned not liking how nervous he was getting.

"Oh, are they not around anymore?" Ash asked

"Truth is I don't know. Your father and I cut them out of our lives for being... what's the word... Toxic people." Wake answered.

"Toxic? How?" Ash asked.

"Your father and I were raised in Sinnoh or more specifically in Sanjem town. The whole thing about me being from overseas is just for show. Anyway, when your father was old enough he started a pokemon journey in Kanto because he wanted to learn from Professor Oak first. It was then he met your mother. One thing lead to another and after he became a ranger your mother ended up pregnant with you very young. Instead of helping and supporting him, our parents disowned him as he was an embarrassment for getting pregnant so young. This was not long after I got disowned for coming out as gay to them." Wake explained.

"My grandparents were those kinds of people?" Ash mused, I nuzzled our cheeks together knowing that Ash was taking this hard. But it did not matter, we now had a big family. "Thank you for telling me that last part," Ash added.

"You mean that I am gay?" Wake replied.

"Yeah that. It is comforting, as I feel the same way." Ash responded, I smiled encouragingly at my trainer.

"Really? Small world huh." Wake commented. "I made sure people were aware of the fact once I put on my mask for the first time. I knew that I had to be an example for others, that being yourself is ok." He smiled at Ash. "You, my dear nephew, would be quite the catch with anyone, regardless of gender. I would be more than happy to answer any questions you have regarding this." Wake offered.

"I currently have 2 questions. What is your type?" Ash asked.

"I tend to gravitate towards large men like myself." Wake responded blushing a little.

"I see. And are you dating or anything like that?" Ash asked.

"No, but I do have other gay or bisexual friends that I like to hang out with within this region other regions. You probably know them as a couple are Gym Leaders. Lt. Surge for example is bisexual." Wake explained.

"I would never guess that about the Lieutenant," Ash said.

"But those are stories for another day." Wake said.

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