II Johanna's P.O.V

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As soon as he pulled out a gun my heart nearly stopped. Thank Arceus Ash saved Dawn just in time. But how could they have made such a big mistake and not only put my daughter in danger but everyone else? As soon as Ash helped Dawn up, I stood up from the couch and marched right over to the phone. Glameow knew that look and ran to hide under the bed.

I then called the contest hall.

Almost immediately a receptionist picked up. "I am guessing this is Johanna." The receptionist guessed.

"Yes, it is," I said as calmly as possible.

"Look, We are working as fast as we can to figure out how this breach of security happened." The receptionist managed to squeak out.

"I am not going to go full-on Karen on you, I just want to make sure Dawn is ok," I said.

The receptionist let out a breath she was holding. "She seems to be fine. just answering questions and it seems Mr. Ketchum is nearby just in case." The receptionist answered. There was a voice in the background. "I'm passing you to Mr. Ketchum." The receptionist said.

"Well thank you," I responded now feeling much better.

"No problem, Have a good day." The receptionist said as she passed the phone.

"Mrs. Berlitz, Dawn is safe and sound but shaken. She needs you." Ash told me, I could hear the noise of reporters shouting questions in the background but none of us paid it any attention.

"What a relief," I said as Glameow emerged from under the bed. "Thank you, Ash."

"I don't deserve those words, Mrs. Berlitz," Ash sighed and passed the phone to my daughter before I could question him about what he meant with that.

After reassuring my daughter and shedding a few tears at the judges' decision, I've never been more proud of Dawn, I went to sleep. The next day I'll be using the Alakazam Teleportation Service to get there and hug my daughter. I won't be able to rest otherwise. Not that I rested much that night.

The teleportation travel was tense the next morning but seeing Ash's face was a relief on its own.

"Mrs. Berlitz," the hesitant tone of Ash, as the Alakazam left, surprised me.

"What are you calling me Ash?" I questioned him, confused at his sudden politeness. "It's Johanna."

"I just... after I failed you and Dawn..." he sighed dejectedly.

"What are you talking about?! You saved my daughter!" I exclaimed. "If she hadn't met you, you wouldn't have been at the contest, and I... I would have lost her. If you and Pikachu hadn't been there, she would have died. So, don't you dare apologize!"

"Yes, ma'am." He replied, voice thick with emotion, as I hugged him.

"Where's my daughter?" I asked as I noticed that the Pokemon Center was the other way.

"We moved to a hotel. Better for privacy." He answered as he guided me and Glameow through the streets. A rare-looking Slowking by his side. "After everything, the reporters have been hounding her. It did not help that she was already known for being associated with me." hE SIGHED. "Anyways, they tried to break into our room at the Pokemon Center. While Nurse Joy was furious, as the Pokemon Center was opened to anyone, she could not do anything."

"At least, now they can't do it anymore." I seethed, furious by these insensitive buffoons. They hadn't changed a bit since my days as a coordinator. "By the way, why do you have your Slowking out? And what's wrong with him? Is he a shiny pokemon?"

"No, he is a Galar Slowking," Ash informed me.

"A pleasure to meet you," Slowking protected his voice.

"He is my best psychic pokemon when it comes to mental deflection. No one knows where we are staying. So, it's better if people don't see us walking around. Or more accurately, dismiss us." Ash explained.

"That's a handy ability, though not one I would use in a contest," I commented impressed.

Yes, it is a handy ability for a Ranger Pokemon to have. I thought. The fact that someone as strong as Ash has a pokemon capable of making him and those around him pass unnoticed... what he'll be able to achieve is worrisome. At least, it's Ash. I told myself. There's nothing to worry about with him. He won't use it against anyone who doesn't deserve it.

"Do not worry, Master would never use us against innocents. Even against criminals, he is the most careful." I was startled at the sudden telepathic communication from a female voice. I noticed that I was the only one who reacted. Does that mean I was the only one she was communicating with? Was this the famous Magesty Dawn told me about? "No, I am not Espeon. I'm Slowbro, Slowking's mate and Master's third psychic pokemon. I am doing surveillance at the moment, making sure no one with bad intentions gets close to you all. I apologize for the surprise and thank you for your trust in Master."

One pokemon deflecting attention around us and another one looking for enemies in the shadows... Ash is nothing if not throughout. I thought.

"Master knows the risks of being unprepared more than anyone." Slowbro concurred with me.

He has more pokemon on him than he lets on. I thought, looking at Ash's belt, asking myself how many other Poke Balls he has on his persona.

The silence from Slowbro did not surprise me. Neither was the small psychic pressure in my mind. It was not meant to hurt, but to check for evil intentions against her Master. Psychic pokemon alongside dragon-type and the canines are known as the most loyal and protective pokemon types of them all.

Then again, we are talking about Ash. All of his pokemon must be loyal and protective above average.

Once we reached the hotel I felt the psychic pressure leave. But Slowking did give me a long and blank look, before returning to his Poke Ball. The teamwork of Ash's pokemon is breathtaking.

We rapidly moved towards the hotel room, which ended up being guarded by a young man and his Lucario.

"Johanna, this is Riley. He will be traveling with us from now on." Ash presented us. "And this is his partner, Lucario."

"A pleasure to meet you, Lady Johanna." Lucario protected his voice, bowing politely.

"Though we are saddened it did not happen in better conditions." Riley continued. "It's a pleasure to meet you." I greeted them back, hurriedly. "We will not block your way anymore." Riley smiled understandably at my impatience and moved away from the door. "Go to your daughter."

I did not need to be told twice. I sprang into action and entered the room with Glameow by my side. At the back of my mind, I noticed that Ash did not follow me. But all I cared about was Dawn. Who was sitting on the bed surrounded by all her pokemon. However, it was Piplup the one she used as her teddy-pokemon.

I know looking at her that it will take a while before she will stand on a stage without panicking. But I also knew that she'll be able to overcome this. My daughter is a strong girl.

But for now, all that matters is her, and what she needed at the moment. By the heartbreaking expression on her face, I know she needs my reassurance and to know that she is safe. So, that's what I gave her. I climbed the bed and cuddled my daughter as she sobbed her heart out. I did not flatter, no matter how much I, myself, wanted to break down into tears. I stood strong and whispered sweet and reassuring words.

Because that's what she needed. So, that's what I gave her.

After all, she is my Dawn.  

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