III Zoey's P.O.V

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As soon as I reached Lake Valor I was received by a butler and shepherd into a limousine. I looked at Glameow stunned, receiving the same expression from my starter. Were we... just kidnapped? Do I need to call Ash for help? Then again, who kidnaps someone in a limousine?

"I apologize miss about the abrupt mannerism I conducted myself with, but I was instructed to get you to the villa without anyone noticing." The butler explained. Ok... I am getting worried here. "I am Hopkins, Master James, and Mistress Jessie's butler. You were cordially invited to spend the rest of your stay in Lake Valor at the family's Sinnoh's Villa.

"You are James' butler!" I exclaimed, quite relieved I had not been kidnapped. Glameow sighed beside me and then proceeded to curl on the seat. "Let me guess, Dawn and Ash are already there and they do not want the villa to be overrun by reporters. Wait for a second... villa? I am staying at a villa?!"

"Yes, you are correct on both accords." Hopkins smiled, unbothered by my shock. "I must thank you and your friends for all the help on getting James back to his family. The family's properties have not been this lively in decades."

"I do not think I should be thanked for that, I only met him recently," I confessed. "I believe that most of that was Ash's work."

"That might be true, but you and Miss. Dawn is Mistress Jessie's friend. You see she does not have many female friends and having you around makes her very happy, and a happy Mistress Jessie leads to a happy Master James." Hopkins replied, with a paternal smile.

Well, as long as he is happy it doesn't matter what he thinks. I thought, with a small smile.

I looked through the window, as the limousine drove towards a cliff, the view was surreal. I could not wait to see the view from the villa, it must be breathtaking. Just as I thought of that another limousine appeared beside us, obstructing my view of Lake Valor.

"My, it seems that Miss May has already arrived in Sinnoh." I heard Hopkins murmur. "Good thing I had someone in stand by to be there ready to get her."

"May? Do you mean Hoenn's Princess? The same May that traveled with Ash for two years?" I asked him, my interest picking.

"Yes, the very same." The butler answered. "She will also be taking part in the Wallace Cup."

This cup is becoming more interesting every day. I thought excitedly.

Both limousines arrived at the villa at the same time. I was distracted from my excitement to meet another coordinator when I laid eyes on the scene before me. This was not a villa! This place is an arceusdamn mansion! Bothering into a small castle! How rich are James and Jessie?! Because this is getting ridiculous!

"Yeah, it is always a shock when you realize that James of all people is a young master of this caliber," someone chuckled beside me. I turned to my right to find myself with the bluest eyes I've ever seen and a bright smile. "Hi! My name is May! Are you the famous Zoey I keep hearing so much about?"

"Yes, it's nice to meet you," I replied, slightly stunned by all the bags she was carrying.

"Oh, this?" She asked, chuckling. "They are just some gifts. Come on now! I want to see Ash again!" She then rushed inside, as if she was not entering a mansion! But at least that gave me the courage I needed... if only by giving me an excuse, saying I was simply following May inside. "James! Meowth!"

"Twerp!" They both exclaimed back with a smile.

I still don't get that inside joke, but whatever works for them. They both had their phones out and seemed to be in an important conversation. I was shocked to see the usually funny and harmless James turned into a business Sharpedo. Meowth, on the other hand, seems to be having the time of his life. One thing I got to know in the little time I've spent with them, is that Meowth loves to negotiate with others and ends up at the top.

"They are all at the swimming pool, leave the bags to be taken to your rooms and go relax." His smile then turned into a scowl. James can scowl?! "I told you that I needed those papers yesterday, why don't I have them yet?"

I made a quick decision to rapidly follow May, James can be intimidating when he wants to. However, all of that was soon forgotten by the incredible view I was met with. I was right, it's breathtaking.

"May!" Ash exclaimed, rushing towards Hoenn's Princess and enveloping her in a hug, spinning her around

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"May!" Ash exclaimed, rushing towards Hoenn's Princess and enveloping her in a hug, spinning her around. "How are you doing?"

"Amazing! I already have four ribbons!" May exclaimed back, once he let her down.

"I saw! Munchlax and Blaziken did an amazing job!" Ash congratulated his friend. "What's all of that? Isn't it too much luggage?"

"They are gifts!" May replied. "These are for you, Riley and Dawn! It's so nice to finally meet you!"

"It's nice to finally put a face to the name," Riley said.

Dawn simply threw herself towards May, for an excited hug. My heart ached at the scene, Dawn looked so free and happy. I then understood that she was ready to come back to contests. I was so happy and proud! This cup will be amazing!

"These are for Jessie and you, Zoey, I will give James and Meowth their later today." May continued giving out her gifts. I look at Ash's Teddirusa wood carving, Riley's Ursaring wood carving, and Dawn's Piplup necklace, and hoped it was a necklace. Luckily, Jessie and I both got necklaces as a gift. Mine was a Glameow and Jessie's was a Wobbuffet. "So, what are the plans for today?"

"First, say hi to Zoey," Ash chuckled at May's excitement. Of course, that reply ended up with me being hugged by Dawn so I didn't mind. "We were planning on having a day off, James and Jessie also reserved a table for us tonight at Valor Lakefront's Seven Star Restaurant."

"The famous restaurant?! Thank you!" May exclaimed, thanking Jessie.

"My husband only gets the best for me," Jessie laughed in return.

"I still can't believe that you are both finally married," May commented, with a smile. "So, relaxing for the day and we start training tomorrow?"

"Yes," Dawn answered. "We do need a day to relax, Ash has been working us too hard!"

"You were the one who asked Pikachu and me to teach you and Pachirisu Electro Ball. I told you it would be hard, don't blame it on me," Ash replied. "By the way, I also have a gift for you May." He then took out a small bag from his backpack by the sunbathing chair. "Happy birthday!"

"Thank you, Ash!" May gave Ash another hug, before excitedly opening the gift. "A Moon Stone?!" She exclaimed, looking at the Ace Ranger in surprise.

"For whenever Skitty wants to evolve," Ash replied. "Perks of being an Ace Ranger, I can go to Celadon Department Store and ask for any evolutionary stone whenever I want for a good price. Even Moon Stones, which are not sold to the public."

"This is amazing, Ash!" May exclaimed. "Talking about evolutions, come out Glaceon!" She called out to her Pokemon, revealing an elegant Glaceon. "I must confess, I've been in Sinnoh for the past three days, as I wanted to do something in Snowppoint City first." My attention was taken from the beautiful Ice-type Pokemon to their trainer, at the mention of my hometown. I already knew what she was talking about. "Therein an ice cave, near the town, there's an ice crystal that makes Eevee evolve into Glaceon. I hope that the Wallace Cup will be good practice for Johto's Contests."

Yes, this cup is getting better and better by the moment. I thought. I can't wait for it to start!

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