14. Baby Don't Hurt Me

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Over the next week, Felix and Hyunjin tried but were unable to make time to see each other. Instead, they resorted to texts and video calls, but it didn't feel like enough. Especially not after the last weekend they had and the recent confession of love.

Felix was a little disappointed that he wouldn't have his Friday with his boyfriend, but he knew how important these rehearsals were. When the day finally came, he wasn't sure what his plans would be.

It turned out that Changbin also had Friday night free, so he and Felix decided to hang out, watching anime together.

At the end of his workday, Changbin was sitting in his car, about to head home, when he got a message from Chan.


CB97: You home with Felix yet?

SpearB: Nope, was just about to leave work

Cb97: Okay...because I just
got some fucked up information bro

SpearB: What? Is everything okay?

CB97: I was chatting with
Jeongin a little while ago
during my break and we
started talking about Felix
and Hyunjin and how surprising
it is that they're together, right?

SpearB: Yeah, definitely surprising...

CB97: Well, Jeongin said he
was especially surprised
since Hyunjin was the one
that caused Felix's accident!
I guess he purposely poured
water on the stage and made him slip!
CB97: Bin I don't know wtf to do
with this information! Felix
obviously doesn't know the truth!

SpearB: That mother fucker.
If I knew where he lives I'd go
fuck him up right now 😤

CB97: Seriously though,
how do we tell Felix?

SpearB: Shit. Chan he told
me he's falling in love
with the guy. This is
going to destroy him!

CB97: This is so fucked up...

SpearB: Okay...I'll talk to
him tonight...somehow.

CB97: I won't be home
after work, I'm heading
right to Jeongin's. Please
take care of Felix. Don't
leave his side tonight.
Update me though, okay?

SpearB: Of course. Ugh
this is not going to be easy...

Changbin sat for a moment contemplating how he was going to tell Felix. He decided he better pick up some beer, figuring they were both going to need a drink after this conversation.

When Changbin got home, Felix was already there, sitting on the couch texting Hyunjin before he had to go to rehearsal.

"Oh, hey Binnie," he called out when he heard the door open.

"Hey, Sunshine," Changbin muttered, unable to hide his concerned tone.

"You okay, Hyung?" the boy asked, setting down his phone.

"Did you eat?" Changbin asked without answering his question.

"Yeah, I had some leftovers. There's more in there for you," Felix said, pointing to the kitchen.

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