12. Celebrations

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⚠️ Warning: Smut Ahead ⚠️

The next morning, Hyunjin left early for practice before Felix's friends returned home. They both agreed that they didn't want to be bombarded with questions if he was still there when they got back. But Felix was looking forward to telling them that they were in fact together now.

Hyunjin was still apprehensive, but he agreed to celebrate Felix's cast coming off with everyone later on that night. Since they were going out, it felt a little more comfortable.

Chan came home first, to Felix's delight, knowing he'd be the easier one to tell about him and Hyunjin.

"Morning, Lix," Chan called out as he walked into the house.

"Hey, Channie-hyung!" Felix replied cheerfully.

"Have a good night?" Chan smirked.

"It was great," Felix smiled, "We talked almost all night. We have so much in common, even though he's not like anyone I've ever met before."

"Look at you gush," Chan chuckled, "You've got it pretty bad for him, huh."

"Actually...we decided to make it official," Felix blushed hard at his confession, looking down at his fidgeting feet.

"Wow. Well, I'm really happy for you, buddy," Chan said as he patted Felix on the shoulder.

"Thanks, Hyung," Felix smiled.

"So, is he hanging out with us later then?"

"Yep! I'm really looking forward to us all being together. And, ya know, not being a fifth wheel anymore," Felix laughed.

"I can't wait to finally meet this roller coaster of a guy," Chan snickered.

"Ha ha. You guys will like him, I promise." Felix made his way to the kitchen. "Have you eaten?" he asked his friend.

"No, but I'm just going to grab a protein shake. I want to get right to work and finish up some stuff before this evening."

"Oh, okay. Any idea when Binnie will be home?" Felix asked, wondering if he should plan to make him some breakfast.

"I think he was going to the gym before he comes home. I'm sure he'll be starving after that," Chan laughed.

"Hehe okay. I'll make some food and he can help himself when he gets here." Felix went to the fridge and started grabbing a few ingredients.

"Such a good boy," Chan cooed as he made a cutesy face at Felix.

"Hey, you guys have taken care of me so much over the last weeks while I recovered. Making breakfast is no big deal, really."

"I know. We were happy to, though. You're our baby bro," Chan smiled warmly. "Toss me a shake?"

"Sure," Felix replied as he pulled out a bottle from the fridge and threw it to Chan.

"Thanks, bud. Well, I better get to work then," Chan sighed as he headed to his room.

Felix went back to making breakfast and a pot of coffee. He ate and saved enough leftovers for Changbin, attaching a little note to the container. After that, he took a shower and went to his room to read.

Soon Changbin got home, instantly going to the fridge and finding the leftovers. After he ate and showered, he went to Felix's door and knocked.

"Come in," Felix called from inside.

"Hey, Sunshine," Changbin said as he walked in, "Thanks for the food. I was starving after that workout. It really hit the spot."

"You're welcome, Hyung," Felix beamed, "I figured you'd be hungry when you got home."

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