6. Shocks and Surprises

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Felix was excited for his first Monday back to work and to feel some sense of normalcy again. Between the injury, losing his place in the show, and missing a week of work, he was starting to feel quite lost. Not being able to dance was the worst part, but he quickly realized how much he enjoyed his regular job.

Since Felix wasn't able to drive with his cumbersome boot, he had to rely on his friends to shuttle him to and from work. Changbin dropped Felix off at the cafe, helping him walk inside, whether he actually needed it or not.

"Felix!" Seungmin ran over to his favorite barista and gently hugged him. "Everyone is going to be so happy to see you back! How are you feeling?"

"I'm really happy to be back too, and I'm feeling pretty good. Not much pain, just a little awkward getting around." Felix said as he wiggled his boot slightly.

"Oh, you must be Felix's roommate," Seungmin said, turning to Changbin. He unconsciously looked him up and down, noticing his incredible physique.

"I'm Changbin." He reached his hand out for Seungmin to shake, but the boy just stared blankly.

"Um, aren't you going to shake his hand?" Felix chuckled.

"Huh? Oh, sorry!" Seungmin blushed as he finally returned the gesture, feeling his strong grip.

Changbin noticed the pink on Seungmin's cheeks and smirked slightly. He wasn't used to making someone blush on a first impression. And though he had an obvious thing for blondes, he couldn't help but admit to himself that this dark-haired boy was rather cute.

"Nice to meet you, Seungmin," Changbin said with a smile that he hoped would elicit further blushing.

"Same, Changbin," Seungmin squeaked, becoming more red.

Felix watched the whole interaction, unable to hold back a grin. He'd never seen Seungmin blush before and he'd definitely never seen Changbin flirt before. He was eating this up by the spoonful and enjoying every bite.

Suddenly the two snapped out of it and Changbin spun to face Felix. "I guess I should get going, Lix. Have a good day at work. Chan will pick you up later."

Felix thought for a moment, "Why can't you pick me up, Binnie?" He smiled at his friend, hoping he'd take the bait.

"Oh, uh...I mean, I can," Changbin stammered, "I just figured we'd take turns."

"That makes sense. But hey, since I don't have practice, maybe you could pick me up and we could grab some dinner." Felix glanced over at Seungmin to catch his reaction. As he thought, the boy looked like a hopeful puppy. "Seungmin, are you busy after work?"

"Me? Oh, no I'm free," he replied, lighting up.

"Then how about the three of us go out later?" Felix smiled brightly, waiting for their response.

"Sure, that sounds like fun," Changbin said rather calmly, even though food was mentioned.

"Great!" Felix clapped his hands. "Okay, I'll see you after work then, Binnie." He poked his friend in the shoulder and gave him a quick wink before waving goodbye.

Changbin left and the two got to work. Felix was excited at the idea of setting his friend up, but he tried not to make too much of a fuss about it. He was surprised when Seungmin was the one to suddenly bring it up.

"Hey, Felix?"

"What's up?" Felix replied as he adjusted some utensils behind the counter.

"How long have you been friends with your roommates?" Seungmin fidgeted with his apron, making a poor attempt to not seem awkward about suddenly asking.

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