5. The Accident

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⚠️ Warning: Bullying and Injury ⚠️

The rest of the week went rather smoothly. Hyunjin barely spoke to Felix, or anyone for that matter. It was nice, but still, it felt a little concerning. Felix tried not to analyze it too much and instead just enjoyed the peace.

When Friday rolled around, he decided to ask Seungmin if he had spoken to Hyunjin after all, wondering if that could be the cause of his sudden change in behavior. But Seungmin kept his promise about not intervening unless Felix had asked.

That night, Chan brought Jeongin over to finally introduce him to his friends. Felix was very interested to meet another one of Hyunjin's friends, just as much as he was excited to finally meet Chan's boyfriend.

Chan came in the door with Jeongin in tow behind him. The slender, blonde boy smiled widely, flashing irresistible dimples as he greeted Felix and Changbin.

Felix resisted his natural urge to hug Jeongin, despite his excitement. "Hi, I'm Felix," he announced with a bright smile.

"Hey, I'm Changbin," he greeted Jeongin with a bashful smile and a little nod. Chan was right, he was more beautiful in person.

"It's great to finally meet you guys," Jeongin bowed slightly, politeness being his nature.

"So, what should we do tonight, everyone?" Chan asked with a clap of his hands.

"I haven't eaten, so I vote for going out to dinner," Changbin immediately replied as he slapped his belly.

"No surprise there," Felix giggled, rubbing Changbin's belly as if he were a hungry baby. Only Felix could get away with teasing him like that.

"I think that sounds great," Jeongin agreed, "I know a really good barbecue place near here."

"Yes!" Changbin shouted, "I know the one! It's my favorite." He was practically drooling at the suggestion. "I like you already, kid," he laughed.

The four of them headed out, with Felix playing designated driver for the night. He had practice early the next morning and there was no way he wanted to deal with a hangover.

Later on in the night, after they had eaten, they continued drinking and chatting. Felix was really enjoying getting to know Jeongin. He was very kind and sensible for being even younger than him. If he could be friends with someone like Hyunjin, then he was sure there must be more to the guy. He only wondered if he'd ever see it himself.

"So, Jeongin, I guess you know someone I work with and also someone I dance with," Felix tilted his head as he spoke, "What a small world."

"It really is!" Jeongin laughed his infectious, deep laugh, each breath in and out creating two entirely different sounds. It really was adorable.

"Can I ask you something?" Felix wasn't sure if it was appropriate, but it felt like the best opportunity to find out more about Hyunjin.

"Sure," Jeongin replied with a smile.

"I know you heard about my situation with Hyunjin..." Felix's smile faded as soon as he spoke the name. "Seungmin is a great guy and after meeting you, I can tell you are too..."

"Aww, thanks," Jeongin interrupted slightly.

"Is Hyunjin a good guy? I mean, am I just a target because I'm his competition?" Felix couldn't hide his pained expression.

"Ah, that guy..." Jeongin hesitated, "He's incredibly passionate, but he doesn't seem to know when he's crossed some lines."

Felix listened intently as Jeongin told him more about his personal enemy.

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