3. Arch Enemy

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⚠️ Warning: Bullying ⚠️

The next day, Felix had his Saturday practice bright and early. He was glad he decided to take it easy the night before, feeling well-rested and looking forward to the day. He ate breakfast, poured a coffee to go, and said goodbye to his roommates before heading off.

Once all the dancers had arrived, Director Minho made an announcement. "Good morning, everyone! Welcome to our first Saturday practice. We will be changing things up a bit today. Mainly, I would like our lead dancer and understudy to work one-on-one."

"We only have a few weeks of practice before the live performances begin," Director Jisung added, "You two need to make sure you're perfectly in sync. No one should be able to tell you apart on that stage."

Felix bit his lip anxiously as he thought about working so closely with Hyunjin. Up until today, they simply switched out while rehearsing the choreography. "This is going to be a long few hours," he thought.

The directors dismissed everyone and Hyunjin approached Felix. "Looks like we're buddies today, Princess," he said in a sort of snotty, child-like voice.

"Sure," Felix replied unenthusiastically as he began stretching.

Once they started practicing, Felix began to notice the way Hyunjin danced. There was intense passion in each movement and he made it look effortless. He could see why he'd had so many lead roles in the past and began to wonder how he ended up as an understudy this time. Felix was a confidant dancer, but watching Hyunjin made him doubt his own skills.

"Why are you watching me?" Hyunjin scoffed suddenly, "I'm supposed to be watching you, dummy."

"I know. I was just admiring your movements," Felix confessed.

"Of course you are," Hyunjin sneered, "I still don't understand how you beat me for this position."

"I'm sorry you're so disappointed," Felix said genuinely, "You're really talented."

"Don't pity me, you little shit," Hyunjin stepped up and got right in his face, looking down at the slightly shorter boy.

Felix was so shocked at Hyunjin's reaction that he could only stand there doe-eyed and mouth agape. He was practically breathing fire right onto his delicate, freckled face.

Hyunjin's stare was like daggers and the moment felt like an eternity, but finally he backed off. "If you think I'm that good, then you should be learning from me."

Felix wasn't sure if this was an insult or an offer, only mustering up a "Then let's work together."

Hyunjin scoffed at the suggestion, but Felix meant what he said. His dance style might have been different, but he knew he could learn from the elder. And aside from that, they needed to do the part as similarly as possible.

"Look, we obviously have our differences," Felix started to explain, "and we're both talented. But we need to somehow bring our styles together so that we can do this right."

Hyunjin crossed his arms, reluctant to admit that this kid was right. "Fine. Let's work together and try to match each other's dance styles...just in case I need to replace you."

Once again, Felix wasn't sure how to take his comments. He seemed to come around, but not without a hint of aggression.

The rest of the morning was more of the same. Constant bickering over tiny details of their dance routine. Mostly Hyunjin blurting out nasty remarks and flat-out name calling. Felix was relieved when practice finally ended and he could go home and see his friends.

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