1. Finals

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"Good luck today, Felix" Chan called out as the graceful blonde twirled his way to the front door.

"You're supposed to say break a leg," Felix chuckled as he took a bow.

"Even I knew that," Changbin grunted, "Break a leg, Felix!"

"Thanks, guys," Felix smiled brightly, "I'll text you as soon as I know anything!" He waved goodbye and left the house in a flash.

Chan and Changbin were Felix's two best friends and also his roommates. Though Felix was working on making his career as a professional dancer, the two friends focused their energy on producing music.

The final tryouts for a brand new dance production were going on today. There had been three rounds with eliminations at the end of each. Felix, along with 29 others, had made it to the final day. But, it would be narrowed down to only fifteen, with a single lead role in the performance.

Felix was nervous but confident he could make the final fifteen. He had been dancing since the day he could walk, took classes all growing up, and once he was in college, he began his career as a performer. He had already been in several other shows, but so far never as a lead.

When Felix arrived at the studio, it was bustling. The other dancers were anxiously chatting while they stretched and practiced. He greeted a few of the others but didn't really know anyone personally. There was one face, however, that he'd seen around before.

Known only as Hyunjin, the tall, dark-haired male exuded a confidence that could cripple any meek bystander. He had won many leads in the past and was prepared for this show to be no different. Felix made a point to avoid him and his arrogance.

"Alright, everyone!" Director Minho called out, clapping his hands to get everyone's attention. "We will start with groups of five today. There will be no formal eliminations for this round and instead we will be posting the final results by the exit."

"Yes, so please be sure to stick around until after all the tryouts are complete so that you can check your standing," Jisung, the assistant director and producer, reminded everyone.

"And, to all of you, break a leg!" Minho shouted.

The entire group thanked the directors and bowed before splitting off into their groups of five. Felix's group was to go second, giving him an excruciatingly long time before he'd know his results. But he danced his heart out and then waited patiently backstage.

While Felix waited, he chatted with a few of the other dancers, anxiously discussing their possible missteps and encouraging each other, though obviously hoping they'd get their part. Felix laughed with another member, throwing his hands up and accidentally bumping into Hyunjin, who was walking by before his turn on stage.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Felix exclaimed, before realizing who he'd bumped into.

"You should be," Hyunjin scoffed, "How could anyone so clumsy have made it this far anyway?" He eyed the timid blonde and crossed his arms. "Have I seen you before?"

Felix rubbed his arm nervously, but tried to gather himself and show some confidence. "Maybe. We may have auditioned for some of the same shows."

"Huh. Well, if you were any good, then I think I'd remember you better," Hyunjin snarled, flashing a wicked smile before sauntering off.

Felix watched as he walked away, then shook his head to clear the tension he was feeling. He continued talking with the others, then took a break in the wings while he waited for tryouts to end.

He decided to text his friends to update them, and also to ease the waiting.


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