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 "Why are you doing this to me? I don't have time for your mind games." I couldn't wrap my head around anything. If he couldn't stand the sight of me; then why go through all this trouble to keep me here. The more I thought about it; the more confused I became. There are so many people in this world that will try to ruin you just because they are obsessed. Maybe this is what was happening here. He didn't actually want me around but his hate turned into an obsession.

"I don't want to have to ruin your reputation. I don't want to do anything that will cause you to hate me." Didn't he know I already did? As far as I knew it was too late. Everything was pointless. We didn't need to have conversations about anything. If he was going to ruin my reputation then he could do it.

"RUIN ME THEN I DON'T CARE," I yelled at him; he could threaten me all he wanted to but at the end of the day I wasn't scared.

"All I wanted you to do is listen to me, I don't want to drag this out anymore but if you keep pushing me then-"

Then what? I have already told you I am done talking to you. Whatever conversation you think we need to have; we don't. I just want to leave and forget this day ever happened." I rub circles in my temples. "I just want to go home."

"Then what's stopping you? If you don't want to hear what I have to say why are you still here?" This man was really psycho; he really wanted to make it seem like I just wanted to stay here and be all under him. I look at him truly baffled.

"You are, you're the reason. You drug me, then you threaten to call the police because I slapped you but we both know you have already gotten even. You're only acting this way because I quit. You're only being creepy because I quit. How does that even make sense?" He thought for a second but when we both realized he had nothing I grew even more irritated. Mr.Shin moved closer to me as he looked deep into my chocolate brown eyes; taking a deep long breath he decided to have another internal battle within himself. "Can you stop doing that every three seconds" I complained

"Doing what?" I groan out and shove him away from me.

"Pretending like you have some kind of internal battle within yourself. At this point, it's just weird and sad."

"You don't understand if I stop fighting myself; then I'm going to lose control." Did his voice become sensual; or am I hearing things?

"Right. Can you please call your driver so I can go home? I am honestly just ready to go." I watch him as he pulls his cellphone out of his pocket and starts to dial a number. I felt he was finally coming to his senses, maybe I was finally getting to him.

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