Levi snatched Eren and flew away.

Mikasa landed on a branch, watching Levi do the same a few trees over.

"Hey! We need to get out of here!"

"Eren!" Mikasa said smiling.

"I think he's alive and okay, although filthy. Don't worry about anything else." Levi said as steam rose from the blood around his eyes. "We're pulling back." He glanced at the Female Titan, sitting at the base of the tree, giving off waves of steam. "Don't lose sight of your primary objective. Is it more important to get the revenge you desire? Isn't he a dear friend of yours?" He took off.

"No, I..." Mikasa trailed off, looking down.

Levi flew through the air. Mikasa soon joined him. His eyes widened and he looked started, seeing the female Titan crying.

At Throst district, people were standing around near the gate, waiting for the return of the Survey Corps.

"They're returning already?"

"What happened?"

"No clue. I'll bet they're coming back with a heap of corpses again, though."

The survived soilders were now retreating back on horse, the Forest of Giant Trees in the distance behind them.

Eren was laying asleep in a cart, a bandage wrapped around his head, covered by a cloak.

A brown-haired young woman stared outside the window, waiting.

Then a middle-aged woman entered the room. "Erd is coming home."

The young woman gripped the basket of clothes in her arms and turned. "I see."

"You think Oluo will have time to come home?" A boy asked to his mother.

"It couldn't hurt to make dinner for him, just in case." Oluo's mother said, cooking.

His father smiled, watching her.

"Gunther's coming home." A hunchbacked woman said.

The elderly man in the chair opened his eyes. "I see."

"Mikasa and her friends are coming back." A concerned Mrs. Ackerman said.

"I am sure they are ok." Mr. Ackerman replied, looking outside. "Didn't you hear that our daughter is equal to 100 soilders." He said proudly.

"Even so..."

The Scouts were resting, some tending to their horses while others kept watch for Titans.

Eren continued to lay unconscious. Mikasa stood by the cart, mournful. She looked to the side at the pairs of the boots.

Corpses lay wrapped up in white sheets, tied by rope, with blood soaking through.

An arm wasn't tucked into the white sheet of one of the bodies. A bite mark was visible on the small hand.

Mikasa took in everything in silence.

Soldiers on horseback lowered wrapped corpses to their comrades to join the other deceased Scouts.

Levi knelt before the bodies, moving the white sheet aside to reveal the Wings of Freedom stitched on the pocket of the jacket.

Armin and Faye placed a corpse over a row of corpses in a cart.

"This isn't something anyone wants to see anyday." Faye said sadly. "But, I guess we have to get used to this."

Armin put his hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"You are right." Armin said. "But, don't lose hope yet."

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