Remind Me Never to go on Airplanes Again

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Emerging from the back were the pair of people who had got their stuff from the bag and walked to the back. On the front were two other people in cloaks. All of them emerged with cloaks and guns. Not weird glowy energy from their hands, just guns. We were surrounded.
"Nobody moves!" one of the guys yelled.
"Go Pikachu!"
Ash completely ignored what that guy said, and threw the Pokeball with Piakchu in it at the person who just yelled. Instead of opening though, it only bounced off his head.
"Nice try, but we 'ave a special device dat disables ya Pokeballs from activatin', so don't even try to use any of dat. We did try to have dem simply stored, but you aren;t exactly da cooperation' type,"
"Wait, is that why the person at the counter kept insisting our stuff be put with the luggage?"
"Yeah actually. Though, we did settle on a device which I won't show you. Of course, none of that would matter if your Pokemon wasn't inside. Odd ting, 'avin your Pokemon ride your shoulder like that,"
"Hey! It's not weird! Wait... were you the guy who told me to put Pikachu in his Pokeball?"
"Yeah. I have to reign in ma speech when in disguise, but no one can tell me how to speak here. Now..."
His partner walked over to Aria and Ash's lane.
"You! Da woman! It's Aria ain't it? Walk over 'ere, nothing funny,'' He suddenly turned around on me. "Don't try anythin' either, missy. Just do what we say, and you'll be fine," He turned to his partner. "Prepare the cord,"
"That was not the accent I was expecting from a guy in a cloak,"
"Not the time for thise sort of comments Bonnie," Clemont warned me "Let me guess, you're in league with Chaster?"
"Yes, we do have orders to get you," he suddenly turned around. "NO AURA. Keep your own hands to yourself, you filthy wench. I know perfectly well what those hands can do,"
I hadn't even realized Aria was trying something. There was a faint blue glow around her palms, but that quickly stopped as she put her hands behind her head.
"Now, walk over here. Revelare, tie her hands,"
While his partner, Revelare, I realized, took some black rope and walked over to Aria's hands and started tying them. Electricity arced all around him, arcs of energy wrapped around him, and he fell to the ground, paralyzed.
It took a little bit before the first cultist got hsi bearings.
"Then what..." he looked down. I looked where he was looking. Standing where the other hooded figure was lying on the gorund, was a Kirlia. But it wasn'r a normal Kirlia. Instead of a green and pink color palette, this one was yellow with highlights of ice-blue.
"Dats... dats a delta!"
"It's a what-now?"
"But... I prevented ALL Pokeballs from being used..."
"I guess it wasn't in a Pokeball," I said.
"It's you..."
"Wait, you know this Pokemon Ash?"
Aria wasted no time and tackled the other man. She landed on top of him, and flipped him so his back was facing her. She then grabbed his head and started hugging his neck. Well not really hugging, but what do you call it again? Oh yeah, choking. He choked him out in a move I had seen in spy movies. She choked him until his head stopped moving, and then he was on the ground.
"Talk later," Aria said.
"Halt your doings!" the guys from the other side of the plane yelled.
"Stop it!" Ash yelled. He got out of his seat and started charging at one of them. While he was doing that, one of them started to shoot, but the other guy stopped him.
"Stop that! We need to keep them alive Ibex!"
"Then what do we do, Canis?"
The first guy, Canis I realized, swung his arm around and hit Ash hard against the wall. But the strange Kirlia threw an ice shard at him and his hand froze.
'What the... get the Delta too you fool!"
"Yes Canis,"
The second one, Ibex, pulled out a small black gun-shaped object from his cloak. How did I know this was a gun-shaped object and not a real gun? Because it shot a net. It flew through the plane, and landed, covering the Kirlia, and trapping it.
"Hey!" I ran out, and punched one of the cultists in the stomach.
"Look out behind you!"
Ash pulled me out of the way as another one of the people in the plane attempted to knock me out with a small baton.
"Sorry kiddo, a job's got to be done,"
"Are you a cultist too?!"
"I don't like that word, but it's correct. Let's get em' boys,"
Ash suddenly turned around and punched a guy who was about to hit us over the head. I looked all around us, everybody besides our group had put on hoods and was now walking towards us. "Is EVERYBODY on this plane a cultist?"
"Indeed young woman,"
Ash turned and charged into one guy on his right, and started punching him over and over. Me being smaller had an advantage, because I managed to duck under one guy's swing. I turned to Clemont, who started looking through his bag, looking for anything that could help. Suddenly, he became encased in a block of ice, and the plane started to tip.
"Not now Ruta! Your ice magic will cause the plane to tip over! Thaw him out this instant!"
One guy snapped his fingers, and immediately Clemont thawed out, but then he was grabbed by one guy in a cloak, but then the strange Kirlia helped him out by shocking him.
"Clemont!" I yelled. "Can you look into the back and find whatever's stopping us from using our Pokeballs?"
"I'll try, but what about you?"
"I'll be fine!"
I turned around and started helping Ash beat up the people in cloaks. I moved out of the way from one guy's swing, and got on his back. There wasn't room in the hallway, so I pulle dhim into the seats, and slammed his face onto the floor. I moved out of the way again, and another guy attempted to grab me, and then I punched him. I was smaller, so I probably didn't hurt as much as Aria or Ash, but since I was smaller, I could crawl under the seats.
"What the-?"
And then I got up behind him and choked him like I saw him do with Aria. I saw Ash start to wrestle another guy, while Aria was knocking another guy with the gun on the ground. She pointed it at the people around us.
"Stop it! I've got a firearm. Now put your hands behind your head!"
"You're not the only one with a gun missy," Another grunt appeared, holding a gun as well. But then he actually shot it. Luckily Aria ducked in time.
"You fool! Are you attempting to hit us?"
"I'll not miss this time- AH!" And Ash immediately threw him to the ground.
Then 2 more guys emerged from the back in cloaks, holding out their guns.
"No way!" I yelled, and I charged. Probably not a smart thing to do, as I immediately got hit on the side of my head.
"BONNIE!" I heard my brother scream.
I went flying across the room, and I hit my head against the wall of the plane. Hard. When I hit the wall, a sudden burst of pain exploded across my head, and I think I heard something crack, which was not good. Waves of pain swelled across my head, making my vision look like I was underwater for a bit. I couldn't even muster energy to get up. I was about to try to get up again, but then I realized I oculd trick them by pretending to be knocked out and get them later. So I just layed down and tried not to scream in pain.
"We have orders for Ash Ketchum to be detained alive. But for the rest of you... while it's better if you're alive, it isn't the objective. Now, before I have to do that to anyone else- AAGGGHHH OH COME ON!"
I peaked my eyes a little bit open, and could see the person was on the floor again, with electric energy all around him.
"You FOOLS! Why did no-one check on the delta?"
Suddenly Aria backhanded the person holding her hands, and then PICKED HIM UP and threw him at the cloaked figures. Ash slammed one person who was still standing, and then I got up and helped tackle him. Then Clemont threw a small metal object at one guy's head, knocking him down.
"Yeah we did it!"
"Bonnie! Are you alright? Does anything hurt? Lemme see your head. Oh dear..."
"What is it?"
"Let's just say when we get back down we'll need to see your head,"
"Okay then,"
The pilot, who had put on a cloak somehow, and turns out was also a cultist, called towards us, but he didn;t turn towards us, because I guess even cultists look forwards while driving.
"What is it now, weirdo?"
"If you don't go back to your seats, right this minute, I'll tell the pilot to put us in nosedive,"
"Like that'll happen!" Ash yelled.
"I'll do it!"
"Go ahead and try!"
Suddenly the plane suddenly dove straight down. I felt weightless for a few seconds, but then I started reaching out to grab anything in reach, anything, and I grabbed onto the end of a chair. I looked around, I saw Ash had grabbed onto a chair just like me, Clemotn ahd somehow got a seatbelt and tied himself around it, and Aria was crouching inside a row of chairs.
"I'm coming to get him," said Aria before she jumped down. Suddenly the plane lurched all the way up, I felt weightless again, and I lost my grip on the chair. I fell, but then suddenly got caught. I opened my eyes and saw Aria had caught me from a painful fall.
"Thanks," I said
"Thank me later. We need to get to that cockpit,"
Aria then began climbing the seats like a ladderup to the cockpit. The pilot turned, saw Aria climbing and seemed surprised. He turned the plane-steering-stick and the plane turned back upright, then began shaking like an angry Tauros, shaking the entire plane and making loose bags fly everywhere, making a sound like marbles in a can. I saw Ash and Clemont get tossed around like dice in a hand, going round and round hitting everything until they grabbed onto things.
"I'm afraid I can't do that young lady," the pilot responded.
"Let's go," Ash said, and he started to climb carefully through the plane, randomly getting hit by bags.
I reached out with my other arm, and caught the strange Kirlia who was flailing around the plane.
"Woah, are you okay?"
"I'll take -WOAH- that as "I'm fine","
We started climbing through the plane, but it was more holding on most of the time. I looked up, and I saw Aria suddenly jump into the cockpit and grab onto the pilot, and started wrestling him for control of the plane. The plane went crazy, I mean, even crazier than before, and I had to do my best to hold on just to keep me in place. I was about to let go, but then Kirlia froze my hand to the seat, and I stood still.
"Thanks Kirlia!"
Suddenly, the plane tipped forward, and I decided to take the chance. I jumped forward, and smashed into the cockpit, knocking out the pilot. But in the process, I crashed into the controls.
"Wooo! I did it! The pilot's down!"
"What do you mean Bonnie? Who's driving the plane?"
I looked at where Aria was pointing, and where the main control used to be, was a foot-shaped hole in the control panel.
"We might have a problem..." Aria said, as she produced the control stick.
Suddenly the plane started to tip forward, I guess that was the direction it took before we destroyed the controls. The plane tipped forward, and started speeding up. Alarms started screaming into my ears, and the red alarm lights painted the white walls of the plane red.
"That doesn't sound good..."
"Get to the back of the plane and hold on!"
Easier said than done. At least that's what my brother would have said. The slope to get up was becoming steeper and steeper, bags were starting to come down hitting us and making us lose balance, and the bodies of the cultists were starting to roll downwards.
"We need to get out of the plane!" yelled Aria
"What about the cultists?" I asked.
"Just leave them!" Clemont said.
"Even if they are weirdos, we can't leave people behind to crash in a plane!"
"We don't have to!"
"Well I'm not leaving!"
Before you call me selfish, I just didn't like the idea of leaving people behind to get hurt or worse in a plane. We had technically beat them up, but only after they tried to kidnap us, and then we crashed the control panel. Still.
"I suppose I'll help. But how do we help them?"
"Can't you use yoru aura to make a shield or something??"
"I can't do anything with aura! I can do things that a Lucario can, and some other things like strengthening Pokemon, but not make shields! Trust me, I wish I could!"
"Wait a second..." Clemont said, bringing out his Pokeball. "We can use our Pokemon again!"
"Yes! Pikachu!"
"Alright then," said Aria, bringing out a Pokeball. She chucked it outward, and out came a green serpent that looked like a really big, impressive jungle vine. It had red spines all over its back, a yellow underbelly, a tail that ended in a red bud like a closed flower with a pair of wings on the side of its sharp head.
"It's so majestic..."
"Compliments later. Coatlith! Go up to the front of the plane and try to help keep us straight!"
"RAAAAA!" it responded, before Aria opened one of the doors and it flew outside.
Aria ran towards the control panel.
"Is there any way to help steer this thing-?"
"I can help,"
"I have experience with machines. Let me try,"
Clemont slid down to the control panel before starting to steer the panel. He took the control stick onto the ground and put it onto the table beside him as his Aipom arm started to fiz the wires of the plane to the stick.
"Everybody, to the back of the plane, we need to balance this out!"
We all ran to the back of the plane, but nothing happened. Then Kirlia started creating more ice, and the plane started to become straight again.
"Nice one Kirlia!"
Suddenly, the plane started to rock again, like turbulence.
"Despite my best efforts, it still appears that enough damage was sustained on this plane that we are going to have a rough landing! At the speed we're going at, things can get messy!"
Clemont warned us.
"It's you!"
It was the main cultist, the first one who pulled a gun on us. The one with the strange accent.
"I call truce. Do you really want to fight now? I have a plan to prevent your spines from getting broken! Just come over here!"
"I don't want to say it, but with the speed were going at, it is very possible for us to receiver serious injuries,"
We came over to the cultist, who took out a Cryogonal and a Frosmoth.
"Cryogonal, use reflect, and Frosmoth, protect us with wide guard!"
Both Pokemon started to obey. Cryogonal generated a purple-tinted shield all around us, and Frosmoth generated a shield made of hexagons around us combining with the reflected shield to make a barrier. Then the cultist did some movements with his hands while muttering things, and using his hands he made ice pillars curved upwards above us, making a cage around us, then he spun around, filling in all the gaps, combining with the othe rtwo moves to make a giant shield all around us. The strange Kirlia and Aria even helped a little, with Kirlia making more ice, and Aria utting her hands on the two Pokemon, and using her aura probably, making them glow, adding a hint of blue to all of their moves.
"We should be safe,"said the cultist "At least safer-" He suddenly turned to us "HERE COMES THE GROUND! BRACE YOURSELVES!"
And we crashed into the ground.

Abilities: SOUL, life force, aura
Life force is one part of the soul, the vital essence that makes the difference between the living and the dead, between life and dead meat, between a warm body and cold clay. While most Pokemon use this to fuel their bodies and use it in manipulating the elements, Pokemon like Lucario can directly use this energy in attacks. When used outside of the original body, this soul energy becomes aura. Aura can be channeled, into attacks, to help heal wounds or help energize others.

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