Chapter 3: Revelation.

Start from the beginning

"Sigh, I hope I don't those things, they look ugly and gross at the same time..."

Continuing my walk and saving my voice for later, I felt the ground rumble around me, the small dots of rocks trembling around my shoes.


Looking around, I found nothing approaching, and the shaking kept getting intense and intense as seconds pass.

"What's going on??"

Confusion riles up when I frantically look around me, trying to find what's causing this shaking.

"Huh, what's that?"

In the distance, a big cloud of smoke appears behind me, squinting my eyes and using my hand to block the sunlight, I saw what seemed to be a pack of... spiders?

"...Oh no."

Did I just jinx myself? Thinking my mind is playing tricks on me, I narrowed my eyes more and focused on the growing sand smoke ever-approaching my direction.

"No, it can't be..."

I was shocked to see the same bug from before riding on a spider, having the same features of its skin, black and yellow surface, running straight towards me, along with other slugs, looking as if the little guy called out its army!

"Oh no!"

Now convinced, I turned my walk into a jog, hoping the momentum and speed can outrun them, knowing if I run I'll exhaust myself further.

"Frick. Frick, frick, frick! Why me!!!"

Looking behind, the bugs seemed to gain speed on me, which prompted me to go faster by running in a straight line.

'Here's me hoping I'll survive any longer!'

The one-hour walk turned into a run, a run for my life to be exact, I don't know where I'll end up following this road, but it better be worth it in the end after all of this!


[Meanwhile, in another part of the desert far away, lies an unconscious man whose arm is partially stone and skin, his body fortunately under the shade of a random boulder just big enough to cover his entire body.]

[Slowly zooming in, we can hear the man's breathing, until it suddenly stops as his eyes shot open with his body twitching upon awakening.]

[The man sat upright on the sand and leans his upper body against the boulder behind him, feeling the cool sides of the boulder's rough surface touch his skin felt like ice.]

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