Kai Embrose

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I smiled, looking at Ari who laid her head back on the seat and put her window fully down, the wind blowing heavily onto her face.

We drove into the city, the lights and stars catching her attention.

I took this opportunity to open the sun roof and she laughed, sticking her hand out of it.

"What tattoo do you want me to get?" I asked.

"The semi-colon." She looked at me.

"How come?" I asked and she reached her hand over, touching the scar on my neck.

"Do you know what a semi colon is?" She asked.

"Well yea. But why am I getting it?"

"Because you're here. Driving me to watch you get a tattoo." She moved her hand, touching the back of my head, running her fingers through my hair.

"This tattoo artist did all my tattoos except one." I parked the car.

She nodded, getting out of the car and I did too, waiting for her to join me on the sidewalk.

She smiled, tilting her head at me.

"What?" She asked.

"You're pretty." I touched her nose and she smiled, leaning up and kissing my cheek.

"You're pretty too." She laughed.

"How special I feel." I sighed.

"Is that Kai?" He came out of the shop and I smiled at him.

"Hey." I hugged him and he laughed.

"Wow. Why the hell do you look so different it's only been six months." He looked at me and I shook my head.

"Layne this is Ariella." I introduced them and he smiled at her.

"Lovely meeting you." He shook her hand.

"You can call me Ari." She nodded.

"Awesome. What brings you here?" He asked.

"I'm getting another tattoo. Small." I said and he nodded.

"Anything for your pretty lady?" He asked and she laughed, not even correcting him so I didn't either.


"Come on." I said and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"If I get this, you get your ears pierced or something. Doesn't have to be a tattoo." I said and she sighed.

"Alrighty then." She said and I smiled.

"Let's get inside." Layne directed us into the shop.

"Wow. It's so cool." She looked at the wall art and I watched her.

We both went through, signing papers and giving our ID's and emancipation papers.

"I've got you over here Kai, Ari, my friend Abe does the piercings so follow him." He said and a pretty big dude walked out.

"Uhm, do you need me to come with you?" I asked.

She looked at me, blinking a few times.

"No. It's alright." She mumbled some other things as she followed him.

"Come on." He said and I went to him, telling him what I was gonna get.

He knew why. He visited me in the hospital after that. Told me to live where I do now.

"Where did you meet Ari?" He asked, I positioned my arm so he had the outer part of my wrist.

"We're neighbors. She's had a rough go but she's one of the most optimistic people I know." I said and he nodded.

"She's awfully smiley. She looks at you all cute too." He grinned, gushing and I rolled my eyes.

"We're friends."

"Who like each other. I better be invited to the wedding. I read books I know how this shit goes." He laughed.

"Oh my god." I shook my head.

"Wow okay, Kai, your girl fainted." Abe came out.

"Go get her." Layne stopped the tattoo and I went to the back room.

I frowned, picking her up and smiling seeing not only her ears pierced but her nose.

"What happened?" I asked.

"It wasn't the needle." He told me.

"I'm sorry. Have you seen the news by chance?" I placed her on one of the tattoo beds and fixed her hair from her face.

"Well yea." They both said.

"Have you heard of a man that goes by Harris Hanson?" I asked.

"Yea, didn't he go to jail for rape and drugs and domestic violence and shit then kill himself?" Layne asked.

"It's not you Abe. That's her dad, she's a bit scared still. She's done well. Don't tell anyone or I'll tattoo the tip of your dicks." I said and they both put their hands up.

"Please don't." Layne laughed.

"I figured something was going on. It's all good, she held herself together well but at the end when I fixed her stud she freaked a bit and I caught her but she passed out." He grabbed an ice pack.

I put it under her neck and she began opening her eyes.

"There she is." I said and she sat up.

"Slow down." I told her.

"Shit. I'm sorry." She looked at me.

"Don't worry, things happen. They understand anyways your piercings look great." I said and she touched them.

"Thank you!" She shouted to Abe and he nodded.

"I feel so bad." She whispered.

"It's alright. I promise. My tattoo is almost done can you hang in there?" I asked.

"Don't worry Ari, it's really not a big deal." Layne reassured her and she nodded.

"Lay back down." I said and she did.

I sat back on the table and he finished it.


"I'm sorry." She apologized again.

"Buckle up." I said and she sighed.

I grabbed her chin, turning her to face me, our faces a bit closer than I anticipated and she looked surprised.

"Stop apologizing." I told her.

She nodded, her eyes moving to my lips and I chewed my own, letting her go and taking a heavy breath before starting the car.

She moved, kissing my cheek and sitting back down.

"I'll stop." She whispered.

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