Ariella Hanson

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I sat on my counter.

"Alright. You ready for my great makeup skills?" He asked.

"I'm not sure."

"You're basically taking my makeup virginity." He winked.

"Oh how special I feel." I mocked, sarcastic.

He laughed.

"Do you want me to stand or-"

"You're fine there." He stood between my legs.

I handed him my primer.

"What's this?" He asked.

"Well, when you went to put the cupcakes in the fridge I washed and moisturized my face, this goes over that and is like a base for packing it on." I said and he looked at me, seeing if what he put on his hands was too much.

"Perfect." I nodded and he began rubbing it into my face.

"I washed my hands in your kitchen sink by the way." He told me.

"Thank you. Just for the hand washing." I clarified.

"Yea okay." He gave me an iffy look.

I smiled and he immediately cracked one after.

"Okay now what?" He asked.

I handed him my foundation and my beauty sponge.

"Okay, you're gonna decide how you want to do this. You can put the foundation on the back of your hands and go from there or you can just use the pump and put it all over my face." I said.

"I'll use my hand, I don't trust it."

"Well you've gotta dampen the beauty blender a bit, it helps the blending process." I nodded and he did, squeezing the extra water out.

"That's good?" He asked.

"That's great. Now the goal is to try to cover that." I motioned to my face.

"When it heals and you don't have to cover anything anymore will you still wear makeup like you do? If you do it's fine it seems fun it's just a question." He began gently patting the uninjured side of my face.

I smiled, he was so worried about insulting me.

"No. I don't think I've ever seen my face without a bruise or cut without makeup. I want to see how I look." I answered.

"I mean, you're pretty like this I bet you're gorgeous when you aren't hurt." He said and I laughed.

"I hope I am and tha-" I stopped myself when he shot me a look.

"You're very nice." I fixed.

"Awe thank you." He smiled.

"Jerk." I laughed.

"Tell me if I'm hurting you." I whispered, grabbing my jaw very lightly, patting my eyebrow and my under eye.

"It's supposed to completely disappear?" He asked.

"Mmhm. It'll take a bit more than my other side." I told him and he hummed, grabbing the rest on the sponge and covering it up.

"That's good?" He handed me his phone camera.

"That's really good. Now concealer." I handed him it.

"What's this do?" He asked.

"You put it under my eyes, between my brows and above a bit, also under my eyebrows today so my bruises won't come through." I told him.

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