Ariella Hanson

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I had fallen asleep on the way back home, now sitting on Kai's bed, watching a movie.

I forget what it's called.

I paused it, seeing it was called White Chicks.

It was so funny I don't think I've found something so funny.

After the light swim lessons he had me go down a water slide and it was fun, I think I did it like six more times after that.

I had taken a hot shower, washing everything off.

Kai was showering now, he had his bathroom door closed and I just watched the movie.

"Ari!" He shouted my name and I paused it.

He opened the bathroom and stream rolled off the bathroom into his room.

"Come here." He motioned for me to come and I did.

He only had a towel around his waist and I was gobsmacked.

"Weigh yourself." He pointed to the scale and I stood on it.

I took a deep breath.

Last time I was weighed I was 99 pounds.

"Wow." He said and I looked down.

I was 103.

"We're almost at the 105 goal angel." He smiled, kissed my hair as I stepped off.

"Two more days and I'll make it." I raised my eyebrows.

"What are we betting on?" He asked.

"My incoming size 0 jeans." I smiled and he laughed.

"We're getting there." He nodded.

"Actually no." I put my finger on my chin.


"Nope. Let's bet on a prom dress. With possible arm candy company?" I smiled.

He laughed.

"Prom? You wanna go?" He asked.

"Well duh. I need to celebrate my new found freedom and learning how to swim. Which I'm getting pretty good at." I nodded.

"Cocky." He poked my side and I laughed.

"It's hard being so amazing all the time." I shook my head.

"Deal. Two days you reach 105 and I'll buy whatever dress you'd like." He told me.

"No I just wanted the prom date part." I blinked.

"You need a dress." He walked into his room.

"Yea but I can get that." I said and he turned, pinching my nose.

"No." He smiled.

"Watch your movie." He motioned to the bed and I sat down, unpausing it while he grabbed pants and went into his bathroom.

He came back out, wearing sweats and he sat on the bed.

"Lift your butt." He said and I did, he pulled the covers from under me and got under them.

"Earlier I watched a love story movie. I think they're called romances but you remind me of the boys in them." I said, my eyes glued to the screen.

"Oh yeah? How come?" He asked.

"Because they're always tall, good looking, and kind of grumpy. Some of them have tattoos and the bad boy look and they're so nice to a singular girl. They look a bit too fake though." I frowned.

"I think you just complimented me." He said and I looked back at him, smiling.

"I guess so." I grinned, looking back at the movie.

"To be fair you're like the girls in them." He mumbled.

"Why?" I asked.

"You're sweet, you give the classic nice blonde vibe. Big blue eyes. You'd be the one working at the cafe in those movies and making tips because you handed a little boy with frosting all over his face a napkin." He told me and I laughed.

"If that's how I'd make money I don't think it would be an issue." I smiled.

He patted the space beside him and I backed up, sitting there.

He pulled the covers over me too and I leaned against his shoulder.

"Did you like today? The picnic and swimming?" He asked.

"I did, it was very fun. Thank you. Ha! Said it." I looked at him and he smiled down at me.

He moved, putting his arm slightly around me and eventually I was just lying my head on his chest while he drew small patterns on my arm.

"Why does that water burn my eyes?" I asked, struggling to keep them open.

"It's chlorine. A chemical to keep the pool clean and it has that effect especially if you don't swim often." He told me.

"Oh." I nodded.

I found myself kind of drifting, tired and pretty happy.

Everything Ariella (COMPLETE)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن