Ariella Hanson

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"You can get an emancipation." I was told.

"What?" I asked.

"You're 17. Motherless and now fatherless. He will be in jail for a while, we found photos of raped women under his bed so not only domestic violence but that too. In the name of the state we can emancipate you. It's what your friend Kai is. Because he has no parental figures at all he got it at 16. He lives on his own, has all adult rights even though he's only 17. If you don't want that we can put you in the foster care system." He told me.

"No. Emancipation is fine." I nodded.

"Alright. Do you have a phone?" He asked.

"I do."

"Write your number down so I can get ahold of you. For now you can go home." He told me and I stood, leaving the room where Kai stood, waiting.

"Hi." He whispered.

"You're an ass." I mumbled.

"I know. Come on, one of the cops said they'd take us home." He nodded and I walked beside him as we followed one of the kind cops.

We got into the car and taken to our houses.


I came outside at 3 am.

I laid on my front lawn, the coolness of the wind and grass refreshing.

I sat up, Kai smoking against his car.

"That's bad for you." I said a bit loud.

"I know."

He dropped it, walking over.

"Ari." He sat beside me.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm sorry."


"I was an asshole. I was trying to piss you off. I believed you should've shown up. Your dad wasn't there so why didn't you?" He asked.

"You're new here. The neighbors tell him if I leave and I can't be caught again." I shook my head.

"Come to my house. Eat. Eat all you want." He told me when my stomach audibly growled.

"Sit with me in second period again and don't fuck my fake friend?" I looked at him.

"I'll sit with you, I never fucked her. She said she wanted it, I said no. I've only fucked one girl this year and she got clingy." He told me, helping me stand.

"I could tell." I nodded.

"Im sorry. It wasn't right of me." He shook his head.

"I get that you're a careless bad boy who smokes and doesn't care about their existence but some people do care. Some people do wanna live and you being mean like that changes peoples views sometimes and they'll end up feeling just like you with that same scar on your neck." I pointed out and he got stiff.

"That's not a good feeling is it?" I asked.


"Then stop being rude Kai." I wiped off some grass from my butt.

"Did you know I'd get an emancipation?" I asked, following him to his house.

"Yes." He told me.

"Did you have a family?" I asked.


"If you knew what I was going through why did you become a jackass?" I mumbled and he turned, sighing.

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