Ariella Hanson

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I smiled, blasting the song I had on my phone while dancing in the shower.

I felt pretty. I did. My hips didn't look so hollow, my stomach not sunken in, my ribs almost unseeable.

I was gaining weight really fast and I scheduled a physical today to see what my ideal weight was.

I got out, drying myself off, humming the song I was listening to.

I think it was Smile by Avril Lavigne.

I dried my hair, walking to my dresser.

I had finally gotten size 0 jeans

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I had finally gotten size 0 jeans.

My face was all healed and I was happy I was getting better.

I put on some mascara and vaseline, raking leave-in conditioner through my hair and brushing it through my ends.

I grabbed some socks, putting my shoes on and grabbing my keys.

"I'll be back!" I yelled.

"I'll be here!" Kai shouted and I went to my car.

He kept insisting to come with me but I've never been to a doctors appointment where I was spoken too about my eating issues.

Of course I trusted Kai and I would tell him everything when it was done but I wanted to hear it first.


"Ariella Hanson?" I said at the desk.

"Gorgeous name, go ahead and take a seat on the left side." She motioned me over after I paid for the visit.

Kai helped me get medical insurance and god it made things cheaper.

I waited for about 10 minutes before my name was called.

"Hi, I'm your doctor. Just call me Liza and follow me." She smiled, motioning me through the door and I followed her through the back area.

"You'd usually have a nurse meeting you but this is a different case, and fortunately I have time to talk to you."

"May I have you remove your shoes and step on the scale?" She asked and my heart began pumping.

"I'm aware, it's on your medical chart." She touched my arm and I nodded, doing as she asked and standing there.

"110. A month and a half ago you were 89. That's an amazing jump." She marked it and I smiled.

That was the lowest I'd been going to the hospital.

She took my height and wrote it down.

"Alrighty, come here and sit on that table." She opened a door and I sat on the crinkly paper.

"Talk to me honey. Is it bulimia?" She asked.

"Forced. I didn't chose to have it, unfortunately I grew up with a man who said as a girl I shouldn't exceed 100 pounds and as much as I wanted to eat he would get upset and force me to throw up. Eventually I couldn't really eat big portions and keep them down myself, I wasn't forcing myself to throw up, it was just happening." I explained.

"I see, what got you to eat again? You seem to be doing well." She nodded.

"A real good friend of mine, we both lost our parents and he was my neighbor at the time although now we're more roommates. We made a plan, I'd have two very small meals where I'd eat heavier and periodically eat a fruit snack through the day. Well now I can sit and it takes about an hour or two but I can finish one of those McDonalds burgers. I've been weighing myself and I guess I have goals but I have no idea where I should be weight wise." I said and she smiled.

"He's a great person. And that's a great accomplishment, you're advancing really quickly. I don't doubt you'll be at a good weight the next month." She told me.

"Month? Really?" I asked.

"Yea, if a month ago you weren't keeping anything down and a month later your downing a burger without throwing it up you'll be great. Now height has a lot to do with weight and so does gender. You're about 5'5 and a half? You should be standing in a pretty broad spectrum. Between 135 and 160 pounds. I don't have your parents medical records as they've been erased from your name but when you reach 135 and you still think your small make another appointment and I'll be happy to see. I'm very happy you're doing alright Ariella. Do you have any further questions?" She asked.

"I asked about this but I don't know how it works? I'll gain more fat or muscle in my thighs and other areas too?" I asked.

"You should yes, for example if you're standing at a size 0 waist, you're hips will fill in and you might have to get curvy instead of straight jeans, or you'll go from an A or B bra cup to a C or D. You'll notice your skin will kind of itch and you might get stretch marks but that's completely normal and healthy especially around your hips, butt, breasts, and inner thighs. Filling out will soften your body type you might even buy larger shirts. Very normal." She nodded.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." I laughed.

"Of course, I'm happy to be here to help. It was so nice meeting you. You're doing awesome, keep it up." She shook my hand and I walked out.

I smiled, tears burning my eyes as I got into my car.

I mentally fist pumped the air and cheered myself on.

I called Kai, putting my phone on speaker and in the cup holder as I began driving back.

"How'd it go?" He asked.

"I'm 110. Ugh I'm sorry." I sniffled and wiped my eyes clear.

"She said if I keep at it I could be good in about a month. She said my weight scale is broad and I could be 135-160 but if I'm questioning myself at 130 ish I can come back." I smiled, the urge to smoosh my face into a pillow and scream heavy.

"I'm so proud of you Angel! You're doing so good. Are you happy?" He asked.

"I am. I really really am." I answered.

"Come home, I'll wait for you." He hung up and I squealed at the red light.

Things like this that make everything so worth it.

I pulled into the neighborhood and parked at the curb, seeing Kai opening the door with a huge smile.

I opened the door, running and launching myself at him.

He laughed catching me, spinning me.

"I'm so happy for you. So so happy." He hugged me and I smiled.

I deserved this. I really did.

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