(S2:E1) My Time Of Dying

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Over the next couple of days, the family dealt with the aftermath of the attack. Dean healed up nicely, the only thing showing he'd nearly died at the hands of a shifter that looked like his father was the scars that adorned his chest and abdomen. Because the carving was so shallow the scar was faded enough that someone would have to squint to see it. The scars of the stab wounds, however, may never go away. But Dean didn't mind that. He used to hate the scars that covered his body, but he learned to embrace them as a part of him. They showed he'd been through hell and came out on top, that he'd survived. Plus, they were admittedly pretty cool.

During the time Dean was healing, the rest of the group took the time to relax and think over what they'd learned from watching Sam and Dean's lives. They figured, based on the 'episodes' that were chosen, it was supposed to be a mixture of entertainment and a chance to learn what the Winchesters' lives were really like. Few people in the room knew the whole story, only being around for bits and pieces. They wanted to help the boys, and so far, it seemed to be working. At least for Dean. Hopefully, they got to see more of Sam.

They also discussed the purpose of John's attack. Dean told them that John had said "He" wanted John to wait, but he was too impatient, something that came in handy in his defeat.

The group figured that "He" was God, the one who brought some back and put them all in their current situation. But that would suggest that God wanted John to attack them, that it was part of his plan. Why would God want John to kill them—they figured that's how the plan was supposed to end had John lived that long—and why John?

Nothing seemed to make sense, but maybe that was because they didn't have all the pieces.

Eventually, the group decided they needed to get back to the show, so after a hearty breakfast of eggs and toast, made by Sam, they congregated in the Dean Cave and started up the next episode.

In a hospital room, Dean sat up, working his jaw as he got out of bed. He was wearing a white t-shirt, blue hospital pants, and nothing else. He moved into the hallway. "Sam? Dad? Anybody?"

"That's got to be one of the worst feelings in the world. Waking up alone in a hospital after being tortured and not knowing where anyone is," Jody commented.

"That it was," Dean agreed. "This whole situation in general sucked. Nothing good came of it." He grit his teeth as the memories flashed back. Sure, it led to John's death and Dean finally getting to know himself and be himself for the first time ever, but it left him with a lot of questions afterward. He left him with a message that no child should ever hear from their father. But Dean was no child. Was he ever?

Dean shook his head to drag him out of his spiraling thoughts. There was no use dwelling in the past when all it brought was pain.

Seems like God needs to learn that.

Cas began rubbing his hand up and down Dean's arm also helping to drag the man out of his head. Because Dean was still healing, he couldn't sit up for too long to keep his abdominal muscles from cramping and reverting the healing. Therefore, they were the only two on the couch with Dean's head resting in his fiancé's lap, a blanket draped over him. Sam and Gabe joined the kids on the floor. From left to right, it was Charlie, Kevin, Sam with Emma on his lap, Gabe with Jack asleep on his lap, and Claire. Mary had decided to move her chair closer to her children, but the last four had decided to stay where they were.

He went down the stairs to the front of the hospital and found a nurse's station. "Excuse me. Hi. I, uh, I think I was in a car accident, my dad and my brother, I just need to find them." The nurse didn't respond. "Hello?" He snapped his fingers, trying to get her attention.

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