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*Lady Olivia POV*

"Yunan!" I yell.

"Yes! Yes! I remember the plan! Save Anne, Sasha, and Marcy." Yunan says.

"No.. We will likely only have time to save ONE OF THEM." I say, sadly.

"What?!" Yunan says.

"I know." I say.

"You said we were saving all of them!" Yunan said.

"I know but I thought about it." I say.

"I couldn't imagine choosing!" Yunan said.

I look away and then look back at her.

"We can try though." I say, with a slight smile.

Yunan smiles at me and we go into the deep portion of the castle.

We pass through a few minor obstacles and find ourselves in a room with all three of the girls in rejuvenation thanks.

We had to come here quickly and do this as fast as possible so nobody figures out we are here.

"Start with Marcy, just in case." I say as me and Yunan pull her out of the tank.

"Sashee.? Anne.?" Marcy said.

"She's out of it.." Yunan says.

"WAKE UP HUMAN! WAKE UP!" Yunan says as she slaps Marcy.

"Gentle! Yunan! Gentle." I say as I put a blanket on Marcy and give her a cup of tea.

Marcy threw the cup and pushed the blanket off of her.

"Ok. Anne next." I say as we pull her out of the tank.

"Huh? What's going onnn??" Anne mutters.

"Erm." Yunan said.

"We should do this a bit quicker." I say and I walk to tank with Sasha inside.

We pull Sasha out of the tank and we put her next to the other two.

"Okay! Let's get out of here!" Yunan says.

Suddenly the entire room changed and it looked like we were outside.

"Wow! We are outside already?!" Marcy says.

"I don't know." I say.

*Marcy POV*

Wow! I feel weak!

This is weird!

I look around and see eyes, and realize that it is a projection!

"Oh! It's a projection!" I say.

"Huh?" Yunan says.

"You know, like VR!" I say.

"Vrr?" Yunan asks.

"It's not real, ya goof!" I say.

A tornado looking thing surrounded me and I'm.. back in school.?

I hear Olivia scream.

Then I hear Yunan yell.



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