Chapter 28: Monster

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"Talk, cat," the Hex slurs as he paces in front of Nisha where she's shackled, dangling from the ceiling by her wrists. Her tail can just barely touch the ground by the slightest strands of fur at the tip of the additional appendage, which is just slightly longer than her legs so her feet are even further off the ground.

Nisha merely flicks her ear to the side to direct away from him and looks off stoically. "Four score and seven years ago, the kingdoms rose up—" she swiftly ducks her head out of the way as a small knife soars past her ear. "When our leaders came forth in our hour of need, they said to us—"

"Shut it!" the man barks and picks up a small black device from the table of equipment at his side. A device that Nisha unfortunately recognizes as an Augmenter.

The Tus'Felnis groans and rolls her eyes. "Ugh, first you wanted me to talk, and now you want me to shut up? Sirash, you people need to make up your minds..." she mumbles, but she drops the tone when the man grabs her throat forcefully and holds the Augmenter to her neck.

"You can get smart with me all you want. One way or another, I'm going to find out what'll make you squirm. You've gotta have some soft spots somewhere." He clicks a button on the device and her ears twitch as it makes an annoying pinging sound.

The man meets her eyes dangerously. "Keep refusing to listen, and I'll fry every last one of your braincells. Understood?"

"Isn't that already what you're doing? I swear I'm getting dumber by the second," Nisha snickers, but it's cut short when he punches her across the face.

"What were you doing sneaking around the Experimentation Wing?" he growls his question.

Nisha's ears slightly lower and her eyes narrow on the man through a vicious scowl. It's cute that he actually thinks she's going to give up so easily. "You're wasting your breath. Fry my brain, beat me senseless, bleed me dry and leave me for dead," she growls. "I would rather die than tell you anything you bastards want to know."

The Hex chuckles and presses the end of the Augmenter hard against her neck in preparation of activating it, when the door suddenly swings open. The man stops and both he and Nisha look back to see The Director standing in the doorway with Kylen at her side.

Their eyes meet Nisha's for a moment, and they wordlessly tell her something that she didn't need any confirmation on. She knows what to do.

The Director glares at the Hex interrogating Nisha. "Has she talked yet?"

"Not yet, your grace," the man states anxiously. "But I'll get her to break."

Corbin nods sharply. "You better. Else I hang you up there next," she smiles warningly.

Kylen clears their throat and steps forward with their back straight. "Director, I could perhaps provide our man here with some much needed encouragement to get the prisoner talking. We need to act quickly before the outsiders can retaliate once they realize we have their spy," they state.

The Director eyes them curiously through a narrowed eye but they remain unwavering and return the gaze until she finally offers a slow nod. "You are absolutely right. Do not return to me until you have an explanation as to why this cat was sneaking around in my domain."

"I wouldn't dream of it, your grace," Kylen bows their head.

The Director chuckles in that infuriating condescending tone and holds out her hand to them, and they automatically take it and plant a kiss on the back before she pulls away and eyes Nisha from across the room. The Tus'Felnis glares at her in silent warning and Corbin simply turns and continues onward down the hall.

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