Chapter 15: Even Gods Fall

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The Masquerade carries on, and as more people have filled the ballroom, the harder it gets to tell if Edith and Kylen are back yet. Not only them, but it seems Cree is either hiding in a corner with his invisibility, or he really has vanished too.

Colin looks around through squinted eyes, trying his best to pick out faces across the room but so far turns up nothing. As far as he can tell, everyone has left. That would be just his luck, being stuck here alone to deal with The Envoy and his... 'appropriative opinions'.

"Come on, Tyrell... Where are you?" he mumbles to himself as he searches.

"Something wrong?" The Envoy asks as he walks up with yet another glass of wine. How the hell is this guy not drunk by now?

Colin grits his teeth, having hoped for a brief moment that he had also lost The Envoy in the crowd as well. He is really starting to hate how much he stands out with his unique SRL features.

"No... Everything's fine," he spares the room another glance before turning and looking down at the man.

The Envoy smiles and nods before taking a sip from his glass. "Glad to hear it. Our Lady Corbin put so much effort into making tonight perfect for you all. I would hate for her efforts to prove less than satisfactory."

Colin studies his unbothered demeanor. The thought of him actually being Edith's son admittedly makes him feel a little sick. The Envoy is an extension of The Director in some way. He serves her. And the way he views SRL is more than a simple cause for concern. He's become accustomed to this way of thinking, and he can only guess it was The Director herself who put this mindset in his head.

"Colin!" he hears and turns towards the voice and feels immeasurable relief fill him as he sees Edith making her way towards him through the crowd with Kylen following behind her.

He doesn't even try to hide his joy at seeing her, though he thinks she can tell through their emotional link that the relief is more for his own sake than for hers.

"Edith!" he swiftly steps towards her and pulls her into a hug the moment she's within reach and she returns the gesture.

Kylen approaches The Envoy before he has a chance to interrupt Edith and Colin. "Ambassador, a word if you please," they motion to the sidelines and don't wait for him to agree before pulling him over, out of earshot of Edith and Colin.

"Depends. Is it important?" The Envoy asks and carelessly drinks from his glass.

Kylen nods once and leads him out of earshot of Edith and Colin. "I wouldn't want to waste your time otherwise."

Edith notices Kylen's play and decides it best not to waste this chance to talk to Colin without The Envoy overhearing. She's a little grateful for that, despite a part of her still believing and wanting him to be real.

"Well, doll?" Colin asks in a whisper and she nods against his shoulder, not breaking the hug as this both comforts her and provides a good way for them to talk without being heard.

She nods against him. "I felt the magic, so I know you must've as well, even if yours is suppressed."

Colin sighs quietly with relief once again. "So, that means..."

"It's done. The only thing standing between us and Utopia is a few miles of ocean, and thankfully, we now have a pirate friend who can take us straight home," she whispers with a smile.

He chuckles quietly and holds her a bit tighter. "We're almost there, doll. We just need to get out of here."

"Have you seen Malachi and the others? And where are Regan and Cree?" Edith asks.

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