Chapter 24: The Right Choices

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Hours felt like minutes as Edith and Colin sat with Peace and Data in the kitchen, just talking and catching up over drinks. Aside from Edith, who still holds deep resentment for not being able to have alcohol. However, she is a bit grateful to Colin for the fact that he surrendered his opportunity to drink so as to not make her envious. So instead, Data simply plays bartender for herself and Peace.

"So lemme get this straight," Data is sitting on the countertop next to the table. "The motherfucker goes through a 'nice' phase, dies, only to come back to fucking life as a cunt who wants to kill us all?" she asks and takes a drink.

Edith shrugs. "Well, more like he wants to kill Regan."

"Oh good, so nothing's changed," Data snickers and Peace elbows her side with a sigh.

"Hopefully Regan's able to bring him back with whatever he's doing," she says as she drums her fingers over the surface of the table. "We honestly thought Tyrell was dead long before the rest of you vanished... But when Latanya showed up and said you were all alive, we had a feeling he would have been with you. If only he were still himself."

Colin tries keeping up with the conversation, but he can't help but zone out a bit as he stares at Edith. Before rejoining Peace and Data, Edith had given him a brief summary of the things Latanya told her, making him more and more worried about how fine she seems right now.

Latanya basically told her that if she doesn't kill The Envoy - her son - she'll essentially remain a slave to The Director. Granted, the level of control is very minimal as Edith was never forced to really live as an SRL like those of Unity did, but still. Something like that is bound to take a toll on her, and he's only worried about what that's going to mean.

It's not so much worry over whether or not she's going to snap under the weight, but fear of what will happen when she does.

Edith slowly nods with a sigh of her own and she looks down at the table, but her gaze catches Peace's hand as she continues to drum her fingers. She's wearing the silver and sapphire ring Edith had left for her before running off to Idyll in search of the rebels, but on her ring finger is a gold band with a simple diamond in the center.

"Peace... What's that new ring?" Edith asks suspiciously.

Peace stops drumming her fingers to examine Edith's discerning gaze, seeing that her attention is focused on the ring and she slightly blushes and looks down. "Well..."

"Oh shit, that's right!" Data springs off the counter and wraps her arms around Peace's shoulders, giving her a big kiss on the cheek. "We're engaged! I knew we were forgetting something in all this 'catching-up' bullshit!" she exclaims and Peace rolls her eyes and takes a drink before glancing at Data with a blissful grin.

"You're so fucking stupid," she smiles.

Data beams proudly. "I know I am but what are you?"

"Equally stupid for saying 'yes' to your dumb ass," Peace rolls her eyes.

Edith smiles bright at them but Colin tenses as his heart skips a beat, suddenly feeling the weight of the ring in his pocket that Latanya had given him. How could he have forgotten that? He supposes there's a lot of other things going on that may have distracted him, but it's still hard to fully process.

He allows himself to smile at Peace and Data, reminding himself once again to just stay in the moment and not worry about the future just yet.

It's good to know these two haven't changed too much while everyone else has been gone. The thought of them getting married is honestly shocking, as neither of them seem like the type to settle down. But they suppose after a certain point, everyone eventually decides when they've seen enough adventure for one lifetime.

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