I started blushing. If only y/n was awake to hear this too. 

"Oh don't worry professor he can hear you very well. He is quite extraordinary.". With that I heard the professors exit the Great Hall. 


y/n's pov

I woke up today's morning and looked around. I saw Hermione looking at Ron. She must have heard me moving because she came closer to me. I thought she wanted to talk to me but instead she said with a grin:

"So Harry, what is it that happened yesterday that you both are holding hands?". My eyes widened. I looked over at Harry who was still holding my hand, already awake staring at me. I recalled yesterday's events. Harry assured all things were fine and held my hands in confort:

"If you are frightened you can hold my hand.., I mean, er.., if you want, of course" Harry said struggling to speak. I looked at him then held his hand. 

He rubbed it with his finger to confort me again. I kept looking him in the eye and he did that as well. The full moon's light shone on Harry's face and I found his cheeks scarlet red. I then remembered that I fell asleep while still holding his hand.

"Harry, have you been watching me sleep?". I asked grinning.

"Perhaps..". Harry replied with a grin. Hermione laughed and I followed.

Later, when Ron woke up, Percy, our head boy and Ron's brother, who was also in charge of taking care of all houses because other head boys were 'busy', told us that we can go back to our dorms.


After taking most of our classes it was time for our Defence Against The Dark Arts class.

We went to our dorms, took our books to go to class. Our hopes were up as professor Lupin always finds a way to cheer us up. We entered the class room and found professor Snape. 

Harry froze in his place and we all were taken aback as professor Snape was shutting the windows to make the room dark.

"Where is professor Lupin?" Harry asked. He seemed like he was as eager to meet professor Lupin as most of us.

"That's not really of your concern, is it, Potter?. Suffice it to say, your professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time.". Snape replied rather coldly, yet happy professor Lupin was ill today. 

Was he happy because he wants to teach Defence Against The Dark Arts or because he hates professor Lupin?. 

Nevertheless, this class already seems like it will be torturing to Gryffidors and Heaven to Slytherins.

We took seats. I sat next to Harry and Ron sat alone waiting for Hermione to show up and sit next to him.

"Turn to page 394." professor Snape said coldly. I flipped the pages of my book to page 394 and it talked about Werewolves. 

"Werewolves?" Ron asked.

"But sir, we just learned about red caps and hinkypunks. We're not meant to start that for weeks." Hermione explained.

"Quiet." Snape demanded coldly.

"Harry, y/n, when did she come in?. Did you see her come in?" Ron whisper asked confused.

"Now, which one of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a Werewolf?" Snape asked while walking. Me and Hermione knew the answer. We raised our hands to answer.

"No one?. How disappointing" Snape exclaimed yet again coldly while turning to face us. I felt rage, but I didn't say anything.

"Please, sir. An Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice." ..  "With each full moon, he tranforms and he no longer remembers who he is. He'd kill his best friend if they crossed paths. Furthermore a Werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind."

Draco then started making howling noises. I shot a glare at him and he shrugged. He then started drawing or writing something.

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy. That's the second time, you've spoken out of turn, Miss Granger. Are you incapable of restraining yourself?, or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?". Hermione lowered her head at Snapes words. What is the matter with this man?.

"well you clearly are incapable of restraining yourself from putting everyones' heads down. She clearly wanted no harm, yet you attack her. Do you take pride in being cold - hearted, mean and despicable!?". I snapped at him while standing crossing my arms.

"15 points from Gryffindor"

"Sir she is right." Harry burst loudly.

"Both y/n and Hermione clearly knew the answer.". ... ."Why would you ask if you won't take any answer?!" Harry snapped. 

I blushed as he stood up for me and Hermione. Harry looked me in the eye. He then stood up. Ron also joined. Non of the Slytherins did of course. Not even Draco.

"50 points from Gryffindor" Snape said dryly. The class kept on going and Snape didn't  seem satisfied enough with the points he took from us, but he also asked for an essay and took every chance to subtract points from Gryffindors.

Draco made a bird out of paper. It seemed like it was meant to land on Harry's part of the desk but, instead, it went on mine.

I opened it and saw a drawing of Harry being hit and falling off his broom. I crumbled the paper into a ball and threw it at his head. 


After class finished we all skipped to the common room. We all were tired. I threw myself on the couch next to Ron. Harry joined, only he plopped on the couch and his head was on my lap.

"sorry" Harry said. 

"this is our depression couch we all gather here when we are about to go mad or to plan out something." Ron explained.

"If professor Lupin doesn't show up to our next Defence Against The Dark Arts class and Snape takes his place I will lose my mind. I'll go mad." Hermione whined as she joined us on the couch.

"Indeed that man had gone mental, mad" I said with agreement.

"Thank you for standing up for me there, all of you" Hermione grinned.


A moment of silance passed by. Harry decided to say something.

"I heared that Malfoy's father complained about Buckbeak."

"You said what?!" I snapped. He promised not to tell anyone. "sorry".

"Don't worry."

"Do you think they'll get Hagrid fired?" Ron asked.

"I'm not sure, but let's hope for good". Harry replied.

"But, ... Nevermind forget it." I said.

"I'm tired I'll go to sleep" Hermione said tiredly. 

"I'm exhausted too, I need energy for tomorrow's match, Good night everyone"


(written on: 11/7/2022 - 1519 words)

The next chapter with be quite short but, the ones after will be detailed.

Her Enchanting Eyes (Harry Potter x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن