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All of them runs downstairs.

They reaches down in the hall..

And they all becomes shock..

There are many people standing in front wearing black coat mask and hat.

There's a man who has a gun

Looking like he's the leader..

And Yoongi is laying down on the floor covered with blood.

Yoongi is shot.

Yoongi!! : They all screams..

Hoseok goes to yoongi,lays yoongi's head on his lap

Hoseok (tears in his eyes) : Yoo - Yoongi hyeong!! Are you okay?

Yoongi : I-I-am-okay-hoseok-Don't-Don't-
worry-about-me!! S-stop-T-them..

Hoseok : No hyeong!! you're not okay!! I'm taking you to the Hospital..

Hoseok lifts up Yoongi

He begins to take him outside the house.

Suddenly, The man with gun stops hoseok's way..

Man : Where are you going huh? You can't take him anywhere!!

Seeing all this drama, Jin becomes angry

He goes to the man who is holding the gun, and grabs the collar of his shirt..

Jin ( extremely angry) : Who are you?
And why you came here?

Man : have you forgotten me?

After listening to his voice, Jin recognises him.

Jin : You!! What's your problem? I think i have to teach you a lesson..

Jin hits the man.

All the people in black coat points the gun on Hoseok and Yoongi

Jin takes out the gun from his coat's pocket and points on their leader's forehead..

Jin : Let them go or else the result will not be good.

All removes the Gun from both of them.

Jin : Hmm! Good! (Turns to Hoseok) Hoseok! Take Yoongi to the hospital quickly!! Fast..

Hoseok leaves the house with yoongi..

Jin (still pointing the gun at the MAN) : Now you guys! Throw your guns. (Yells) Can't you hear me?
I - said - throw - that - gun..

Everyone throws the gun.


I'm in room and listening some sounds coming from downstairs..

First I ignores everything.

But i wanna see what's is happening downstairs.

I slowly comes out from my room

And peeks downstairs.

Oh my god! What's happening there?

I sees so many people in black wear is downstairs

The man : I came here to take y/n And I won't go without taking her..

What?! They are here to take me? But Why and where?

Suddenly the man punches Jin on his stomach.

The Gun falls from JIN's hand..

All the people picks up their gun quickly.

Other members (NAMJOON, JIMIN, JUNGKOOK AND TAEHYUNG) also takes action quickly..

They all starts fight with each other

Jin is fighting with the leader and others members are also fighting with the black wearing people..

Man : You can't win from us ! Your two members are in hospital and now You're only five. We are so many..

Suddenly He pushes the jin,

Jin falls on the couch..

Man : Guys! Hold him!

Two people comes and holds jin.

Other people also holds the others members..

Man (laughing) : What did you think you guys would win? Ahh poor Bangtan!!.. Your bad!

Saying this he starts laughing evil.

Jin : Leave us! Otherwise You will  regret soon.

Suddenly, he stops laughing.

And points the gun on Jin

Man : Now, You all, get ready to die. Let's start with the oldest,, our Dear KIM SEOKJIN..

Namjoon : Leave him! Leave him!

Other members: You can't do this! Leave him!!

Man : Ahh!! Don't worry, Your Hyeong is not dieing alone, you will also die with him.

Saying this, He again starts laughing.

He points the gun on Jin

Man : 1...2...3...

He shoots the gun..

Ahhhhh : i screams in fear..

The man looks at me and smirks..

Man : Oh my dear y/n.. there you are..

Actually, he shoots the gun on the wall behind Jin.

Man: i knew it that you are also in this house.. i intentionally shoots the gun on wall, So you can hear the sound and come here!!

Jin : Don't do anything to her!! You can't take her with you.

Man : watch me taking her with me..

He starts coming upstairs..

I becomes scared..

I runs to my room.

And locks the door.

What do I do now!! Why he want to take me with him?

And the question is WHO IS HE??

I starts panicking.

Suddenly i hear the sound of door knocking.

I starts pushing the door with my back..

Man : Open the door y/n !! Let's go! I will take you from here..

I don't responds..

Suddenly he starts breaking the door.

I also starts pushing the door with my hands with my all energy..

But he's strong..

Finally he breaks the door..

I falls on the ground..

Man (smirks) : Let's go now..

He holds my hands tightly..

Leave me ! Leave me ! I don't want to go anywhere.. : i says

Man : you have to go!

he starts twitching my hand tightly.

Tears starts running from my eyes

Ahh leave my hand! It's hurting : i says crying.

He gets me up holding my hand.

Suddenly Jin enters in the room

Jin ! Jin! Please save me from him! I don't wanna go anywhere. : I says crying.

Jin and the Man starts fighting..

Jin kicks him, he falls on the ground

The man becomes angry..

He punches Jin on his face..

Jin loses his balance and falls in my arms

I stops him from falling..

Jin turns back to him and punches him more hardly.

The man's nose starts bleeding.

Suddenly three people enters the room and holds Jin.

The man holds my hand again, Wipes the blood of his nose with the sleeves of his coat, and starts dragging me downstairs.

Rm, Jimin, V and Jk are also fighting with other people..

They sees me

All : y/n..

They starts to come to me but the people stops their way..

The man drags me outside the house, near his car..

I'm trying to get my hand out of him..

But his grip is so strong..

he ties me up with ropes

He makes me sit in the car.

The man starts driving the car..

What is happening with me! I'm again being kidnapping from my kidnapper's house : i thinks afraid.

The man : Soon we will reach at your new home.

He smirks...

Why are you doing this? Who are you : i says crying..

Man : you will know soon..

I'm trying too hard to break the rope but i can't do anything..

Man : It's of no use.. It's better that you stay silent..

I starts crying so hard..

I sees that he's driving the car in the forest..

Few hours later,, He stops the car..

Man (smirks) : we have reached..

( To be continued ~ )

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